Jacqueline Kane

Top 10 Things You Can Do For Your Mental Health

As young children, we often get traumatized by small events such as⁣ being laughed at by classmates, being told our opinions don’t matter, or constant screaming at home. ⁣It doesn’t need to be a life-threatening event. In fact, trauma often occurs when we don’t feel safe, loved, protected, and cherished.

Experiencing trauma can make you more vulnerable to experiencing mental health problems.

October 10 is World Mental Health Day. Since 1992, the global community unites on this day to raise awareness and reduce the stigma that surrounds people with mental health problems.  This year’s theme for the day is “Make mental health & wellbeing a global priority for all”. That’s why I’m writing an article on what everyone can do for their mental health.

Why mental well-being is important?

Mental well-being describes a person’s emotional health and general functioning. Psychologically healthy people tend to feel happy, supported, and satisfied with their lives.

Research suggests that people who enjoy greater mental well-being are more likely to live healthier, longer lives. They also tend to enjoy a better quality of life and have more meaningful relationships with others.

How do I heal myself mentally?

If you’re looking to improve your mental health and well-being, there are a number of things you can do to feel and function much better. Here are some of our 10 top tips:

  • Schedule a massage session. Massage therapy offers benefits for a number of mental health conditions, including stress, anxiety, and depression.
  • Get a psoas massage. This treatment will help you release mental trauma or fear that can lead to the tightening of the “muscle of the soul”.
  • Engage EFT in tapping: EFT releases the underlying emotions- the root cause of the pain so you can then liberate yourself from the hold your pain has on you.
  • Meditate. The practice shrinks the amygdala, the “fear center” in our brain that might be enlarged after a trauma. Even for 2 minutes a day being aware of your breath and feeling the connection with this life force can alter your brain wiring. ⁣
  • Practice mindfulness: Being in the here and now brings many mental benefits, ranging from increased happiness to better resilience. Further, studies have found that this type of meditation”fast” helps manage stress and reduce symptoms of disorders such as anxiety and depression.
  • Schedule a lypossage session: The treatment soothes the body’s stress response, which can help with mental and physical stress.
  • Do inner child work. It helps to release traumas from childhood that become a physical memory in our body and show up later as pain.
  • Clear your ancestral line. You will be able to release the non-serving habits and patterns we adopted from our ancestors.
  • Connect with others: The quality of our relationships also impacts our mental health. In other words, having deeper and more meaningful relationships with others helps improve well-being and mental health.
  • Ask for help when you need it: If you have a mental health problem, it is important to see a therapist. Failure to do so will not only affect your psychological well-being but will also have physical and mental consequences.

What are the stages of healing?

There are three stages in the treatment of mental health.

  • The first stage occurs when the symptoms are most severe and the person is suffering from them.
  • The next stage entails healing the condition.
  • The last stage is the prevention of relapse.

Mental healing process

Healing involves any interaction that stimulates the natural processes of recovery and regeneration in the body, mind, or spirit.  The healing process is based on these steps:

  •  Accepting that you have a problem
  • Understand the issues affect you
  • Take action to recover
  • Heal
  • Find meaning

How do I know if I am healing mentally?

Mental health should not only mean the absence of any diseases. When you’ve healed psychologically, you’ll  also be able to:

  • Sleep better and wake up energized.⁣
  • Break free of the old trauma and wounds passed down to you. ⁣
  • Attract health, good relationship, and financial ease⁣
  • Learn to separate your inner voice from the voices of others. It will make you love yourself and acknowledge how amazing you are. ⁣
  • Feel joyful most of the time ( really, no kidding).⁣


Good mental well-being is one of the keys to getting the most out of life. Without mental health, it will be very difficult to achieve your goals or find meaning in your life. For help, contact  Jacqueline Kane, the Stop the Pain Specialist. She supports people in discovering the crucial hidden links between their physical pain and their ability to live a full life.

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