Jacqueline Kane

The Energy Medicine Solution

(46 customer reviews)



The Energy Medicine Solution is an expert collaboration offering tools to shift, manage, clear, and enhance the energy for your body, mind, soul, and spirit. Everything is energy. When you understand the magic of energy, the world is at your fingertips in terms of living the life you dream about.

Enjoy real stories from our authors about their energy medicine transformations, as well as their master teachings and powerful, practical tools you can put into place in the comfort of your own home that will help you answer the question: what else is possible for my healing?

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46 reviews for The Energy Medicine Solution

  1. Harmonious Being (Consignment)

    Celebrating the reality of energy medicine

    This book is a testament to the validity of energy and energy medicine. The western medical approach can only help us heal so far, in in a limited capacity. Energy is so essential to life and wellbeing, but largely misunderstood or dismissed because it can’t be “seen.” This book gives the reader 25 different real-life examples of the reality of energy medicine and how it helped the contributing author return to balance and wholeness. I loved the variety of glimpses into the personal truths in each chapter. These are the “proof” of the importance of energy medicine. This book takes it one step further in providing tools and resources at the end of each chapter so the reader can explore first-hand these energy medicine solutions. I highly recommend this book for the seeker, the curious, and the ones whom western medicine has failed.

  2. Diane H

    This book will open your eyes to the reality and power of energy medicine

    I absolutely loved this book! Each author’s story is an inspiration to understand and become aware of the power of our thoughts and beliefs. Your body and mind are listening to you every day. The things you say and believe about yourself are why you are or are not where you want to be in your life. It’s time we all take responsibility for that. This book will open your eyes to doing this in your own life and sharing it with others. Truly an inspiration, education, and the stories are powerful and moving.

  3. Teresa

    Transformation Through Energy Works!

    This is an easy read and has easy to follow instructions. I love how these authors share their own experiences and transformations. Makes me feel connected and reminded that imperfection is part of our Human experience. And so is the desire to be happy, healthy and abundant. We want to become our true selves. Energy medicine is another way to let go of pain and move into your magical self.

  4. Amazon Customer

    Really enjoyed this book

    I really enjoyed this book! It gave me some great insight into energy medicine which I didn’t know much about before. I especially liked Chapter 20 about the authors, Beth Manning’s own healing work. I thought it was really vulnerable and helpful in my own journey.

  5. Jennifer Fuentes

    If you think you just have to live with pain, think again and buy this book!

    Many of us go through life with nagging chronic pain and think, I just have to endure it, I’m old and this is how it goes. Think again. Buy this book. Search for the stories that resonate or sound familiar. You will find your story in them and the healing that these brave authors experienced and continue to share with their clients and community. Jacqueline Kane, the lead author is the shining light that drew the other amazing authors and healers to share their unique stories. I work with the aging Baby Boomer population and so often they are resigned to a life of chronic pain. My experience with Jackie and energy healing is life changing and I am experiencing an exhilarating second half of life. This book is a resource to keep by your side for years to come, you will find something new when you need it. Jennifer Sproul, Founder, Graceing Agefully

  6. KristinEvans

    Heartfelt and Informative

    I really loved this book and its format. I work fulltime and have two young kiddos so finding downtime to read for myself is difficult. I loved the format and style of this book because I am able to come back to it to digest new sections and stories at my own pace without feeling like I got stuck in the middle of a chapter and lost my place (I’m that mom who often falls asleep with her Kindle smacking her in the face…) There is so much beautiful knowledge to gain from this work whether you are familiar with any of the modalities or completely new to energy healing. I highly recommend picking this one up and opening your mind. You may find something for yourself or others in your life. Beautiful stories!

  7. Michelle JACOBIK

    Solid advice for Midlife + Menopause! (and so much more…..)

    If you are looking to live an EXTRA-ordinary life, this is a book to add to your toolkit! I grabbed this book because a chapter was authored by the one and only Erika Dworkin, a CT Based Board Certified Holistic Nutritionist & Wellness Guide and as someone in my Mid 50’s, I was intrigued by her chapter on Midlife + Menopause. It did not disappoint! I wish I had this knowledge/support 10 years ago as I began my physical (and emotional) journey through peri-menopause in my early 40’s. She shines light on the pathways of Menopause and more importantly gives us women ways to navigate our changing bodies and chemistry (which has NOT been enjoyable for me this last 3 years). As a bonus to me, this book is filled with wisdom from other amazing women as well. I highly recommend it. We are not meant to do EXTRA-ordinary alone! Grab yours and dig in today!

  8. Joan Wilson


    As a student of Positive Psychology at Penn, I read and listen to a lot of books about emotions and improving health and well-being, but it’s not often that a book gives me an A-HA moment like this one did. I was especially impressed with Erika Dworkin’s chapter on menopause. Ive been blaming my feelings of being burnt out on outside work stress and had not considered that it could be due to changes in my own body. Her chapter was eye opening and well written. And the best part is she provides practical tips and tools to overcome the effects of menopause. So looking forward to following her guidance and the guidance all of the authors.

  9. Susan L. Freeman

    Excellent compilation of healing modalities by experts in their field!

    I was so excited to receive this book and dive into it. A compilation of experts in their arenas, it provides some great topics and well worth the read. I highly recommend for everyone who has an interest in healing themselves to read this book. One gains a lot of understanding of their path to healing and what is available in that process. Great techniques are shared and so happy I bought it!

  10. David Barr

    Powerful breakthroughs!

    This book has incredible tools and access to some of the best healers! I am excites that at the end of each chapter; there are tools to use to help with each practice! I love that we are having these crucial conversations about healing the mind, body, and spirit. A must-purchase!

  11. DK

    Excellent and Diverse Collection of Healing Practitioners!

    Such an interesting and inspiring group of authors in one package! This book provides a great sampling of so many different approaches to personal healing and development, and gives the reader the ability to probe deeper into any or all of them. Thank you so much for pulling these experts together.

  12. crest

    Fascinating authors!

    Each author shares their gift on helping our bodies and soul to heal naturally. I was not able to put this book down and continue to learn from their experiences and tools. I have always been so intrigued by natural health and healing. I’ve found my Book!!

  13. Deirdre tindall

    Fantastic read

    I highly recommend this book to women who struggle to do it all. The Energy Medicine Solution offers so many wonderful tools to help clear your energy and your mindset and helps guides you towards true freedom. Give it as a gift to as many women as you know.

  14. C. Eick

    Inspiring personal stories of energy healing

    Refreshing overview of different energy healing techniques and how each practitioner came to discover their gifts to share with the world. Energy medicine is the future, impacting all levels of health down to the root causes of dis-ease to support wellness. Brava!

  15. Paul K.

    Energy Healing is a great compilation of valuable information to enhance your quality of life

    This collaborative effort between subject matter experts is a fantastic read with ground breaking impact for those who understand that energy tranformation is important to leverage and can greatly enhance your quality of life!

  16. Eric Almeida

    An inspirational read!

    There are so many personal stories and guidance contained in this book, that I just completely blows me away. If I only utilized a fraction of what is written, my life would be vastly improved.

  17. Georgiana J Kovell

    Amazing information in one book

    Some great ideas from many different views. I was able to see a lot of new things that I could do to enhance my own healing journey. Brilliance in one place. Thank you.

  18. Mimulas

    Wonderful Read for Those Interested in Self-Healing

    This book berings together a variety of energy healing practitioners who share their personal stories, approaches, techniques and resources for the reader interested in self-healing. I really enjoyed reading it and recommend it wholeheartedly.

  19. GLouise

    Informative for self healing!

    Love it!

  20. Carrie Broadbent

    This book is perfect for everyone! We all have struggles and challenges.

    I personally love this book. The chapter that Sunshine Layne wrote especially was healing for me. I also went through a trying time delivered by mother nature and it’s so nice to hear her way of looking at the devastation and the beauty that is there and will be there again.
    This book will be so helpful to so many people. We all have to go through struggles of our own. It’s what being human is all about. I highly recommend reading The Energy Medicine Solution!

  21. Dianna Leeder CPCC, Womens Life and Confidence Coach

    If you are struggling with a chronic health issue, you may just find your answer on these pages.

    As someone who has been frustrated by the limitations of traditional medicine, I was excited to read the many options that Jacqueline Kane and her authors have shown us about what else is available to us and our health management. These are real stories of energy medicine effectiveness in the face of sometimes brutal health issues. Kudos to all the authors who are using energy medicine to heal the world.

  22. Sandra

    Energy medicine really works. These are real life stories that dispel the doubt.

    Reading The Energy Medicine Solution is a mind-blowing experience. When it comes to energetic modalities, there’s always been a niggling doubt simmering on the back burner of my mind. “Is this woowoo stuff going to do something that makes an actual difference in my health? My life? Yeah, right.” Hello. You reading this review, can you relate to that doubt? So reading the stories in this book blows the doubt out of the water. Call it woowoo or whatever name you like. This energy medicine stuff is legit. It works. Thank you authors for sharing from the depths of your souls. You’re on a mission. This is world transformation we’re talking about here. Breathe

  23. erika

    A Must-Have for Total Vitality!

    With their personal stories and revealing user-friendly tools, the brave authors in this book prove that Energy Medicine is THE missing link in the treatment of physical, emotional, and spiritual ailments. Sandra Lee, for example, describes how she went from “I’m bad and I hurt people” to “In Human Design, I’m a Manifestor Type and designed to initiate. . . . I am powerful and have a beneficial impact on people and the world.” And Sandra is just 1 of 25 in this groundbreaking anthology. The magic of this book’s messages is bound to transform every single reader … and the world! Buy The Energy Medicine Solution NOW, the perfect time to uncover your vitality within!

  24. Janine Shapiro

    Life changing information

    I absolutely love the stories and tools shared, especially the journeys taken by Jacqueline Kane and Beth Manning.

    Jacqueline’s story helped me unblock a limiting belief keeping me stuck in a limiting cycle and Beth’s tool is also very practical as well as expansive.

    Each author offers so much.

    This wonderful book offers you hope through each personal story and practical solutions.

    I highly recommend it to those looking for inspiration and usable solutions to take you to your next level of understanding and ease in your life

    Thank you so much to each person who shared their story and offered connection to living an extraordinary life.

  25. Elizabeth Waugh-Stewart

    incredible stories and useful tools

    This book truly blew me away. For those who are skeptical of alternative healing–and I admit to having been one of them–this collection of stories of healing and hope should be a mind-changer. People who had suffered for years with pain, illness, unhappiness, and other chronic issues find relief in energy healing modalities–it’s very inspiring! And the tools provided at the end of each chapter are so helpful. I can’t wait to try some of them myself! Check out this book and learn that healing is always possible!

  26. Lilia Shoshanna Rae author The Art of Listening to Angels

    Inspirational stories and practices for healing and well-bein.

    The stories are riveting – personal ordeals from which the authors rose, transformed, and triumphed, leading them to learn powerful healing tools and practices. Each story touches into the realm of miracles, but in a way that allows us to believe miracles are possible. The healing tools shared are diverse, inspirational, and practical. This is a book to keep as a resource and share with friends and family.

  27. Denise M Simpson

    A landmark book for putting powerful healing in your hands

    The Energy Medicine Solutions Mind Blowing Results to Live an Extraordinary Life really did blow my mind as I read about Michelle Clifton’s story from trauma to the use of singing bowls to heal – and that’s just one expert of 25. Each chapter presents a personal story then a tool/process to begin your immediate implementation to up-level the body-mind energy state and connect more deeply to spirit. A landmark book to heal from the inside out without chemical side effects. Highly recommend.

  28. Amazon Customer

    It’s impossible to put down !

    There are many books with important information on healing modalities. This book is also impossible to put down because the stories are so compelling. You will recognize yourself in one of these stories.

  29. olga m burger

    Engaging and Inspiring

    This book is an engaging collection of wisdom and information.
    Each chapter’s author generously shares their experiences with clear instructions for how to facilitate your own journey.
    It’s an inspiring read and a great support tool to have!

  30. Heather Bell

    Excellent read!

    So many wonderful chapters written and covering so many topics by individuals specialized in the areas.

  31. Amazon Customer

    Energy Healing

    Each chapter is an intriguing adventure into the world of energy healing

  32. Peace Garden

    Knowledge where you didn’t know you needed it

    Many years ago when I got seriously ill with an undiagnosed illness, I was not aware of the various holistic options that were out there, because when you Google for treatment of certain symptoms/illness/disease, American medicine is what is prevalent for what comes up for healing or treatment. And…if you don’t know any differently, you can take that as definitive. I am so glad to have been introduced to a world of different practitioners in the last few years to know to investigate differently! This book explores so many spheres and facets of varied holistic options that I was not even aware of – so amazing!!! Easy story/tool reads, highly recommend.

  33. Sharon M.

    The most important thing to know is following a program to build your your health and lifestyle

    What is most important about this book is finding healing and how to take care of your mind and body and using the tools from each author to build a positive and healthy lifestyle. This book will supply the tools so you could live life to the fullest mentally and physically. It is very important for women to read chapter 3 regarding Midlife and Menopause to have a better understanding during the change in life which will guide each woman to understand their own bodies and mental health.

  34. Christine

    Energetic Solutions for everyone

    This quick read provides insights into many different healing modalities all in one place. Perfect for someone who is thinking about entering the world of energy work – either as a healer or to heal oneself. Easy to understand for all levels – as a beginner or a seasoned participant. I highly recommend this book for anyone in the field or considering entry. Very well written by professionals.

  35. Catherine

    Inspirational stories with “how to” advice to change hope into action

    25 relatable stories of people with real life issues, what they learned, how they overcame their issues, and instructions you can follow to try the tools they used. Even stories that do not relate directly to my life are inspiring. Definitely worth the read!

  36. Anne Vivian


    What a great resource on energy medicine, with great content from all of the authors. I especially found Bradford Tilden’s account to be uplifting. Authentic, touching, and inspiring!

  37. Kathy Atkinson

    Inspiring stories with great tools to try

    I have been using many of the energy medicine techniques mentioned in this book to keep myself in balance and harmony especially EFT tapping. I loved the personal and inspiring stories that each of the authors shared. Particularly helpful to the reader are the actionable tools that each author include.

    This book was a fun read with practical application.

  38. Amazon Customer

    Something For Everyone

    Great book. It has something for the believers and the skeptical. I cannot recommend it enough.

  39. Amazon Customer


    I loved the energy throughout the book. It is powerful and life changing for healing and tool’s for life changing opportunities and empowerment to live the life we were designed to live with peace and freedom!

  40. Gina Cecchini

    The information in this book is priceless!

    This book will help anyone who is looking for optimum health! I highly recommend for woman of all ages but as a post menopausal woman the information is priceless! – Gina Age 53

  41. Jennifer

    Must Read

    The Energy Medicine Solution is a must read! I particularly like Pat McGrath’s chapter about how her Feng Shui and spirituality practices create the life she not just wanted but needed. I admire her witty and on-point writing. All these writers point tools and insights to use as we read! And the end of the book is just the beginning of your new life! So impactful and filled with Grace. Thank you!

  42. John Peckham

    Informative and transformative

    I especially enjoyed Chapter 25, ‘Yoga Therapy’ by Christine Badalamenti Smith. This chapter taught me a lot about the transformative power of yoga and the role it plays in improving physical and mental health.

  43. Amazon Customer

    A must-read!

    The stories, experiences and tools written in this book are eye-opening and transformative. It’s comforting to know that others who have had their own struggles were able to overcome them with energy work. I plan on rereading and using these tools as a source of healing and ongoing growth.

  44. Amazon Customer

    Amazing book and very inspirational

    Loved this book, a fantastic reminder of the many healing modalities and the gifts we all have inside of us.


    A must read!

    This was a really wonderful read. I really enjoyed it and only wished there were more!

  46. mgrover70

    Intriguing and Informative Exploration of Energy Healing

    This book feels transformative. I really have enjoyed the format, learning the healers’ stories and the tools readers can use. There were several healing modalities that were new to me, but I loved how accessible the tools were for me even as a beginner.
    I really enjoyed the various perspectives of many experts in their fields. I loved the sense of agency I had when reading these chapters. Healing and flourishing were possible working with my body (and the space around me. The feng shui chapter was fabulous.)
    I recommend this book highly! Whether you are new to energy medicine or more familiar with these modalities, I think you will find the format accessible and chapters helpful.

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