Jacqueline Kane

New year, New you: Use Your Intuition To Create Soul Aligned Success

New year, New you: Use Your Intuition To Create Soul Aligned Success

Do you have any regrets about this past year and want the next one to bring you health, happiness, and success? 

What if I told you that using your intuition more will help you live a pain-free life and allow you to create soul-aligned success in 2022.

Why do we need to listen to our intuition

Life becomes easy and we feel more in the flow if we listen to our intuition.  This can decrease our anxiety and we’ll trust ourselves more. We don’t have to look outside of ourselves for many of the questions that we have. 

When we are not connected to our intuition, we often feel lost and life doesn’t have as much joy. 

Keep in mind that to connect to your intuition on a regular basis, you will want to create the space for it.  

You want to live in the present moment

I find most people are in their heads spinning and overthinking, worried about their health and their future, which blocks our intuitive guidance.

They go into overthinking instead of being grounded in their bodies and tuning in to their emotions and inner guidance.

Imagine with me for a moment you’re tired.  Maybe a little exhausted.  Possibly living in pain. 

You’re on the computer and an advertisement comes on talking about the latest pain relief miracle. 

You follow that ad and then it leads you to another advertisement and then to something else. Before you know it, 3 hours have gone by and you’re still in pain and nothing about your health has changed. 

Imagine that instead, you took a moment, centered yourself instead, and asked your intuition.  You might find there is a better solution that could provide the relief you have been looking for.  You just had to ask. 

Your intuition always knows best. 

How you use your intuition

If you are not sure how to use your intuition, you are not alone.  Many of my clients feel the same way. 

For example, one of my clients, we will call her T,  came to me because she was trying to create her own business and it wasn’t working.  Her health, finances, and relationships were working. 

During one of the first or second sessions, we discovered that T had learned at an early age that there was something wrong with her when she would know that her parents didn’t want her to know. 

She would sense how they were feeling, which made them feel uncomfortable.  Her parents didn’t like it so they shut her down and told her not to do it.  

They didn’t believe her, too, which made T feel like her intuitive guidance was bad and it would get her in trouble and make her parents angry at her.  

Through our work together, she learned to trust her intuition and it was safe to trust it.  Her business started to grow. Her finances improved, her relationships including the one with her daughter greatly improved.  She felt more worthy and was able to speak up.  

As a result, T now sees her intuition as her Super Power instead of something that was bad.  She now uses it to gain clarity and direction, as well as support her clients in their evolution. 

In order to heal the negative beliefs about trusting your intuition, you will want to consider doing some forgiveness work.  

Forgiveness frees up space in our minds and in our bodies.  It also frees up the grief and sadness from the past.

When working with my clients, we take a deep dive into their forgiveness journey. 

I would like to recommend that you implement this step which will help you begin the journey of increasing your intuition and forgiving the reasons your intuition was blocked. 

  • Connect with your younger self for a moment. 
  • Get ready to ask your younger self a question. 
  • Ask your younger self, what you like me to know about my intuition. 

You might discover, your intuition says, “I’ve been with you all your life. I love you, and I want to help you. I am always here for you.”

Just know your intuition will tell you exactly what you are meant to hear and it will be loving, non-judgment, and supportive because your intuition never says you are a jerk, you are no good, or anything like that.  Your intuition always lovingly guides and supports you. 

Let your soul guide you in the right direction

When it comes to our intuition, which I like to also call our inner guidance, messages from spirit, and your soul lead you in the right directions in the new year. 

If you have any questions on energy healing or would like to schedule a consultation, consult Jacqueline M. Kane.

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