Jacqueline Kane

Manifesting Your Pain Free Future with Holistic Modalities

Manifesting Your Pain Free Future with Holistic Modalities

By Jacqueline Kane, Stop the Pain Specialist.

We’ve all heard that our thoughts create our beliefs and our beliefs create our reality. The physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual parts of you are always manifesting more. “If you live in pain, it’s time to look at your thoughts and beliefs”, shares Stop the Pain Specialist Jacqueline Kane.

Do you realize you are manifesting all the time?

Everything that is in your life today is because you have manifested it into being. Your thoughts create your beliefs and your beliefs create your reality. The physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual parts of you are always manifesting more. Many times, when working with clients they tell me that they are worried about how bad the pain will get.

They are frustrated that nothing has worked. They are angry at the doctor for not helping them. When people are consumed with these emotions they are actually manifesting more of that emotion. What we focus on grows. The mind is always looking to find ways that your beliefs and thoughts are true. So. if you are worried all day about how bad your pain will get, your mind will create more things for you to worry about. It will create more things to be frustrated and angry about.

When caught up in these thought processes, no matter how much clients try to heal their pain and their body they find that they are locked in the cycle of pain and frustration. Their mind begins to believe these thoughts and that they are true. Usually everything in their life starts the downward spiral because that is the energy of their thoughts, which also affects their health.

Have you ever noticed when you wake up tired and in pain, your day continues to take on a life of its own into the abyss of pain and negativity? Nothing seems to go right? It’s like there is this dark cloud above you.

The way to shift that downward spiral is to first become aware that that is what is happening. Awareness is the first step, because we cannot change a pattern that we are not aware of.

When we can begin to ask questions about how long have I been worried? When did that pain first start? What was happening at the time it first started?

Maybe it was a car accident that you have had a hard time of letting go.Or a breakup of a relationship that you are still holding on to the resentment and anger from.

What about that accident or breakup was hard for you to let go of? I recommend to my clients that they have a journal where they can write out these answers.

Journaling helps to get these emotions and thoughts out of the body so that the body can heal. When you release the emotions of that event you will then start the healing process and began to heal your physical pain.

That is when true healing begins.
With the new mindset, we can start to think other thoughts like:
  • I trust that I can heal my body
  • I am opening myself up to listening to my body
  • I am ready to heal.
  • I love my body.

For some this can be a quick transition and for others it can take longer to shift into being pain free. When this shift happens people notice that everything in their life gets better. They are happier and have more energy.

They find that more opportunity’s show up for them. For example they end up in the right place to meet their soul mate. They get along better with their spouse and their children. They take more vacations. Money shows up in all kinds of places. Life becomes easier and has an easy flow to it.

Are you ready for a life filled with energy, excitement, connection and abundance in all areas of our lives?

If you are ready to dive deeper schedule your complimentary Real Pain Relief session today by clicking the link here. 

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