Jacqueline Kane

Lifestyle Changes That Can Relieve​ Your Low Back Pain

Low back pain is a very common problem that many of us have experienced at some point in our lives. Along with us, it makes our chores, routine, and day-to-day activities suffer. People suffering from this find it difficult to accomplish the smallest of tasks without a sigh and ultimately begin to experience other associated issues such as lower back pain and anxiety.

If you are one among those and desire to live a pain-free, happy life without having to take medications, or without getting needles shoved into your body, you might want to consider some immediate yet very effective lifestyle changes. And like many among us, if you are at a loss for what changes to make and how this article will tell you all about it. So, hold our hand and read on to get some insight!

What Lifestyle Changes Can Help Relieve My Low Back Pain? 

We may think we are taking a healthy diet; we may think our sitting posture is right and we may think we don’t need to make any changes to our daily routine as it looks so perfect already. But after reading this article, you will find out that perhaps everything is not as perfect as it should be. 

We have listed below some great lifestyle changes that can make your stubborn and seemingly untreatable backache go.  

Working On Your Weight

If you do not have an ideal weight according to your height, likely, you are unnecessarily straining your back muscles and thus suffering from back pain. The first step to get rid of your back pain would be then to get rid of your extra weight and minimize the burden you are putting on your midriff and joints.  

Making Changes to Your Diet

Are you a fan of pizza and the mighty meaty Kentucky burger attracts you more than fruits and veggies? Then perhaps you need to make some changes to your diet too as food is the best medicine, especially in the case of lower back pain treatment. And mind you! These are the essential changes if you want to get rid of that crushing back pain. 

So, eat more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Avoid processed foods. Eat a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Eat fish at least twice a week (or more if you can!). If you’re not a fan of fish, try taking flaxseeds or hemp seeds instead! Both are high in omega-3s as well as other vitamins and minerals that are good for your body.

Nuts & seeds are also great because they contain healthy fats that are important for maintaining healthy blood pressure levels too! These two types of fats should be included regularly in your diet because they help lower cholesterol levels when eaten regularly.

Exercising Regularly 

Exercise is one of the best things you can do for your body. Regular physical activity helps to reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep quality, and strengthen muscles. It also increases blood flow to the back area which reduces stiffness and pain while also improving mobility.

You can also opt to do specific lower back pain relief exercises that will ease your back pain in the long run.  

Limit Your Alcohol Consumption 

Does alcohol look like to you a temporary escape from all your problems? Then you might want to reconsider your alcohol consumption and limit it to no more than two drinks a day. Why are we saying that though? 

Alcohol can increase blood flow to the brain, causing it to swell. This can make you feel dizzy and disoriented, which is not good for your back pain because it increases strains on muscles that have already been strained from exercise or injury.

This one’s hard, isn’t it? But then if you want to get rid of your back pain and do not, at any cost, want to turn it into a chronic pain that is even harder to treat, you’d have to make this change, especially if you are aware that chronic low back pain and anxiety are quite closely related.  

Taking Care Of Your Posture.

Good posture is very important for our back. Therefore, to keep the spine aligned, it’s important to keep your chest up and shoulders back while standing. This will help you breathe deeply, which can reduce pain in the low back area as well as other parts of the body.

While sitting, keep your head up, chin down, and neck long (don’t let it droop). This simple act of having a good posture helps improve breathing patterns and keeps postural muscles strong so they’re better able to support areas in the back that hurt most for different reasons; such as most people experience chronic pain from heavy lifting or repetitive movements like sitting at a desk all day long doing computer work. 

Using Therapy To Improve Circulation And Relieve Stiffness 

Manual therapy is a type of physical therapy that uses the hands to manipulate muscles, tendons, and joints. It can help relieve pain, stiffness, and inflammation in your back by working to improve circulation.

In addition to relieving low back pain, manual therapy can also improve the range of motion in your spine. By stretching out tight muscles or improving their strength through exercises like massage or manipulation (also known as trigger point therapy), the back pain specialist can help you gain greater mobility while also easing any associated discomfort.

Manual therapists use a variety of techniques including massage, mobilization, and soft tissue work to treat common ailments like headaches caused by muscle spasms; sciatica caused by nerve irritation; frozen shoulder syndrome; carpal tunnel syndrome; bursitis/tennis elbow; stiff shoulders due to chronic overhead tasks such as typing on computers all day long without rest periods between shifts at work!

If you are not sure about which therapy to take and where to find an expert therapist that can understand what your body needs, talk to Jacqueline Kane and get it all sorted out. Book a solo session or a phone or in-person consultation and let her hold your hand and guide you along the way while you embark on your journey of holistic healing. 

Final Words

Apart from the changes described above, you need to take some preventive measures as well to prevent yourself from getting back injury as often extreme back pain is a result of an injury. Those measures include:

  • Don’t sit for long periods of time (no more than 2 hours).
  • Don’t lift heavy objects without proper equipment to support them; this may cause severe injury to your back if done incorrectly.
  • Avoid bending at the waist when lifting something heavy—if possible, lift with both arms straight out in front of you instead so as not to stress on any part of your body unnecessarily.
  • Last but certainly not least: avoid twisting while lifting anything heavy!

It’s important to remember that these lifestyle changes are only temporary solutions in case of an injury. If you continue to experience pain, it might be time to talk to an expert about other treatment options since symptoms of low back pain are a signal for anxiety as well.

However, taking care of your back is crucial if you want to avoid long-term health issues like arthritis or osteoporosis later in life.

Jaqueline Kane, a remarkable therapist, can help you live a fulfilling, pain-free life by relieving you of your back pain through her happy low back body work sessions. Book your session today and see your life-changing. 


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