
Jacqueline Kane

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Holistic Wellness on World Health Day

Life has a way of keeping us on our toes, isn’t it? You work hard every day – fulfilling all your duties as a parent, spouse, and employee.

When was the last time you asked yourself, “Am I happy?”, “What do my mind, body, and soul need right now?”

Do we ever sit with ourselves to ask these questions? I guess not.

We grow up hearing the well-known proverb, “Health is wealth.” What happens when we grow up? Why do our health and happiness become the last thing we think about?

We get so busy and don’t stop until our system runs down. Isn’t it sad how we take our health for granted?

But, it’s never too late. Why not take control of our health and happiness back?

Repeat after me, my mind, body, and soul are healthy and I am living a happy life.

Well, it’s not just about affirming – make it the mantra of your life. How? That’s what holistic wellness is about.

Here are some ways to achieve holistic wellness on World Health Day 2024:

Ways To Achieve Holistic Wellness

1. Reducing Stress

From tight deadlines to personal challenges, stress can manifest in various forms. But, how can you reduce this stress? Let’s see: 

  • Deep Breathing: Deep breathing is really an underrated stress buster. What happens is – when you’re stressed, your breathing pattern changes to shallow breaths. In turn, oxygen doesn’t reach your brain. Deep breathing signals your brain that everything is fine and it must relax and calm down.
  • Exercise: Body movements help release endorphins – the feel-good hormone. This, in turn, boosts your mood, improves sleep quality, and relaxes your brain. Brisk walking, jogging, swimming, and dancing are some easy and effective exercises you may include to relieve stress.
  • Disconnect To Reconnect: I understand, it’s tempting to scroll one more time – one more reel or one more meme. Sometimes even the screen doesn’t leave us when we want to. Try setting screen time for different apps, trust me, it’ll work wonders! Disconnecting from the digitally dominated world will give your brain time to relax.

2. Physical Fitness

Our bodies crave consistent love, care, and attention. Make sure you pour in everything it deserves for the consistent hard work.

  • Have A Balanced Diet: You can fuel your body with nutrient-rich foods. Always aim for a well-balanced diet with a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Processed foods, sugary drinks, and excessive intake of salt can result in obesity, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and inflammatory diseases. Isn’t it the last thing you’d want.
  • Stay Hydrated: Water is essential for so many bodily functions – digestion, temperature regulation, and nutrient transport. Make a habit of drinking at least 3 liters of water every day. Carry a reusable water bottle to ensure you stay hydrated, especially during physical activities.
  • Don’t Overlook Pain: Listen to your body when it asks for a break. When you don’t, it leads to burnout and physical pain. We often overlook pain to the point we can’t enjoy life. Have a look at these 4 steps to a pain-free life for FREE to live energetically and confidently. Sometimes, ignoring pain hinders your journey to overall health. Don’t allow it to do that to you.

3. Mindful Moments – Happy Soul

We are either lingering on the past or constantly worrying about tomorrow. Don’t we forget to live today in between?

  • Feel Nature’s Embrace: Nature has this incredible ability to ground us. Walk in the park, feel the grass beneath your feet, or simply look at the sky. Notice the colors, the sounds, the smells. Let nature be your guide to mindfulness. In that moment, ask yourself, “What beauty am I grateful for in this moment?” 
  • Gratitude Journaling: Start a gratitude journal. Every day, jot down three things you’re grateful for. It could be as simple as the sun shining, a hug from a friend, or a cozy blanket. It will cultivate a sense of contentment. Ask yourself, “What brought a smile to my face today?”
  • Join A Healing Circle: It’s a space where positive vibes flow freely. It gives you a safe community to ask for support and push while sharing your challenges when life becomes messy. Join FREE Community Healing Circle to let ease, flow, and abundance come easily – to relax your body and feel a sense of peace and calm.

VIP Retreat by Jacqueline Kane, a great therapist, is also an amazing way to supercharge deep healing where you connect deeply to your own self and purpose. It includes intention setting for the next five years, clearing blocks, and preparing the mind, body, and soul to receive whatever the universe has to offer. It’ll help you feel lighter and go back with renewed energy to serve others even more powerfully than before.

To Sum Up…

As we celebrate World Health Day – 7 April, let’s make holistic wellness the mantra of leading a healthy and happy life. Remember, your health is not an expense but an investment.

After all, a healthy and happy you is the greatest gift you can give to yourself and others.

Here’s to a healthier, happier you! 


1. How do you release tension in your body?

To release tension, take slow, deep breaths, stretch, and practice mindfulness. As you inhale and exhale – feel the tension melting away from your body.

2. How do you reset your body from chronic stress?

Resetting chronic stress includes prioritizing self-care: sleeping well, exercising regularly, connecting with loved ones, and engaging in activities that bring joy. Seek professional guidance.

3. How to reduce mental stress?

Include relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, and positive visualization in your life. Break tasks into smaller steps and practice self-compassion. 

4. What substance is released as an immediate response to stress?

The immediate stress response triggers the release of cortisol, often referred to as the “stress hormone.” 


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