Jacqueline Kane

Heal Yourself and Others

As a mom, we put ourselves last. We spend our days tending to our family and trying our best to keep everyone happy. But what about us? What about taking care of yourself? The truth is that we can’t help anyone else if we don’t first help ourselves. From physical health like diet and exercise to mental health like mindfulness and meditation, here are some tips on how you can heal yourself and others!

1. Identify what type of healer you are

Just as there are many different healers, there are also many ways to heal yourself. Start by identifying the type of healer you are.  Do you run around acting like a doctor with your friends when someone gets hurt? Maybe you are more of the “healer” who nursed their dog back to health last week. Start by clarifying what kind of healer you are and how that will help in self-healing.

As you become more in tune with yourself, it is easier to know when you feel anxious or stressed. Start by identifying some of the most common times that you use self-healing techniques. Maybe it’s after work or school, going to a social event, or that moment when you start to feel overwhelmed. Start by getting clear on what types of situations tend to have the biggest impact on your well-being.

2. Find out the personality traits that make you a good healer

Every human being has natural healing abilities. Start healing yourself by finding out the personality traits that make you a good healer. Start with a positive affirmation of yourself and your body. Declare that you are healthy and whole, all illness is gone from you. Picture great health in your mind over and over again until the affirmation rings true within you.  Start practicing loving yourself, to being compassionate with your difficult times as well as the good ones. Learn how to form a relationship with yourself, just as you would have with another person whom you are close to.

3. Learn more about the healing modalities that work for you

The modalities that work for healing are different for every person. Start by understanding yourself and your needs in this process.  Asking yourself a few questions related to your health and the healing process and which modalities you resonate with the most and how they make you feel after doing so. Make a list of these modalities and how they make you feel.

4. Find resources to help heal yourself and others

How do you know what’s right for you? We all have our different struggles, and sometimes it feels like we live in a world without answers. The good news is that life doesn’t have to be so difficult–sometimes it just takes some time to figure out what doesn’t work for us. Healing yourself can be as easy as giving up sugar, or cutting down on social media at night. Start healing yourself today by focusing on the things that make YOU happy like listening to music or spending time with friends. If something isn’t working, let go of it and try something new! Start healing yourself today.

5. Share your knowledge with others by teaching them how to heal themselves or someone else

Sometimes we need to heal ourselves, sometimes others need to do that for us. Self-healing is not just about physical healing. Self-healing is also about emotional, mental, and spiritual healing. There are five major parts of the self that have to be healed: your finances, your body, your family relationships, your social connections, and your spirit. Start Healing Yourself! Start Healing Others! Start Healing Your Life!

I can help you heal yourself and others. Many of the most common ailments that we experience, such as chronic pain or depression, can be healed with a simple shift in perspective. I am ready and waiting to partner with you on your journey to wellness through therapeutic massages and healing sessions tailored specifically for your needs.

Gift a Trauma Healing Coaching for yourself or your loved one.

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