Jacqueline Kane

Experiencing Pain? Here’s How to Find Long-Lasting Relief

Very often people say to me, “I’ve journaled and tapped, yet I’m still living with physical pain and exhaustion.” This happens because we need to heal all aspects of ourselves for long-lasting results: Emotional, physical, energetic, spiritual, and mental. In this article, I’ll focus on healing the physical body using practices such as the psoas massage and Bowen Therapy.

What is the psoas muscle?

The psoas muscle is located in the lower lumbar region of the spine, extending through the pelvis to the femur. It is also referred to as the “soul muscle” because it holds all unprocessed emotion. The muscle works by flexing the hip joint and lifting the upper leg towards the body.   

Psoas tightness can interfere with blood flow and nerve impulses to the pelvic organs and legs. When these muscles are tight, your torso shortens, decreasing space for your internal organs, and this affects the absorption and elimination of food. Massage can provide relief. If you are in Farmington, Connecticut, you can come to see me for the service. If not, look for a therapist who does psoas work. Not all massage therapists offer psoas massage services.

When you go for your massage, share all your aches and pains. Let them know if you are allergic to any oils and scents. Also, tell them if you like certain parts of your body massaged or if you have ticklish legs.

Psoas massage provides relief

I start a massage session by asking people how often they move their bowels – they get surprised. But it’s an important question. When I had this conversation with one of my clients, she said she moves her bowels twice or three times a week. This is not acceptable! We eat up to three or four times a day. We need to make sure that we move our bowels at least once a day.

A tight psoas muscle can contribute to or even cause constipation. During the session, I massage the abdomen. I have found that doing this help people who live with constipation. It also jumpstarts the lymphatic system and loosens up the connective tissue.

Bowen Therapy

If you are living with neck pain, this therapy can help provide long-lasting permanent results.  The treatment also relaxes muscles, jumpstarts the lymphatic system, boosts immunity, and energetically clears up any blocks in the meridians. It works every system of the body at the same time! Additionally, Bowen therapy helps people to move their bowels more naturally without needing to eat prunes or take a laxative. 

How I perform Bowen therapy

I perform a sequence of small moves at varying pressures, each at a specific site on the body. I  use light, cross-fiber maneuvers of muscle, tendon, or ligament with no forceful manipulation.

Often, two to five minutes pauses are required to allow the body to respond to treatment. Small breaks are also necessary to allow changes to occur in the client’s body before commencing the next sequence of moves.


We did not come here to live in pain. But sometimes it is impossible to get rid of the discomfort by ourselves.  Contact me to help you get to the root cause of your pain!

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