Jacqueline Kane

Don’t Carry the Pain and the Wounds of the Past into 2020

Don't Carry the Pain and the Wounds of the Past into 2020

Don’t carry the pain and the wounds of the past 2020. . .



• Are you consistently overwhelmed and exhausted?
• Are you emotionally, physically and spiritually depleted?
• Is your body, mind and spirit yearning for peace and serenity?

My beautiful friend, it’s time to heal your pain and reclaim your joy and declare 2020 as the year that you became whole, healed and healthy on every level.

If you answered yes to those questions . . .

. . . then the “7 Weeks to Reclaim Your Life to Less Pain, More Energy, Peace and Joy Program” is a good fit for you.

During this 7 week journey you’ll learn .. energetic and spiritual modalities to help you release physical, ancestral and emotional muck that’s preventing you from living your best life! It’s time to leave that stuff in the rearview mirror so you can ignite freedom in 2020.

The 7 Week to Reclaim Your Life to Less Pain, More Energy, Peace and Joy Program includes:

• 7 weeks of interactive live classes held on Zoom
• Each week you will be led though transformational processes, leading to less and less pain
• Each week you will learn one spiritual modality that you can use any time you desire
• Private FB group for community connection and for getting your questions answered between calls
• Replays and other files will be hosted on a private portal web page
• Supportive hand outs and meditations



Module 1: Take a Peek Behind the Pain.

Module 2: Your Emotions are Your Friends!

Module 3: The Body Says No!

Module 4: You Matter!

Module 5: Uncover and Clear Your Ancestral Energy Patterns.

Module 6: Uncover Your Karma Gifts.

Module 7: Step into Receiving More Abundance.

Bonus: Get the powerful “Uncover the Root Source of your Physical and Emotional Pain Now Private” session with Jacqueline to jumpstart your healing

This is the system I started discovering for myself when I was in pain. And it was the only thing that worked for me.

Through working with hundreds of women in physical and emotional pain, I have been able to refine this process and experience unprecedented results. Are you ready to experience that, too?

I just opened up registration for the Reclaim Your Life to Less Pain, More Energy, Peace and Joy Program

– Everything is now live at this link.

Are you ready to make 2020 the year you took back control of YOUR health and YOUR life?

The next 3 people who sign up will receive all of this for $797. . . will you be one of them?

Do you need more info to be clear that the Reclaim Your Life to Less Pain, More Energy, Peace and Joy Program is what you need right now in your life?

Book your “I have questions” free call


P.S. There was a time I didn’t think I could live a life that was pain free, energized and with unlimited possibilities, IT IS POSSIBLE for me and for you. Click here and register today.

P.S.S. Its not just about surviving, ladies. Its about how to thrive, and live the life you know you were actually born to live.

The “Reclaim Your Life to Less Pain, More Energy, Peace and Joy Program” has been an incredible blessing for me and for my students . . .

. . . and I’d love to be by your side as we do this together.

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