Jacqueline Kane

Bowen Therapy: What You Need To Know

Bowen therapy is a type of bodywork that uses gentle pressure to stimulate the body’s natural healing response. It’s not just for people in pain; it can also be a great way to improve your overall health and well-being.

What Is Bowen Therapy?

Bowen therapy is a form of bodywork that uses gentle pressure to increase the flow of blood to the soft connective tissue in the body. It is a holistic technique that uses gentle stretching to promote healing in the body. It was developed by Tom Bowen during the late 1960s as a way to treat his patients with chronic pain conditions such as lower back pain and sciatica. The technique has since gained popularity as an alternative treatment for many other types of musculoskeletal problems such as plantar fasciitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and knee osteoarthritis.

Bowen therapy is based on the theory that our bodies have an innate ability to heal themselves when given the right conditions. Bowen therapists believe that many illnesses, injuries, and physical problems are caused by restrictions in our body’s soft connective tissue. These restrictions prevent the free flow of energy (chi) through our bodies, which can lead to pain and other symptoms.

Bowen therapists use their hands to apply gentle pressure along these lines of restriction (called meridians), which allows chi to flow freely again. This helps restore balance, harmony, and health within the body’s systems.

Benefits of Bowen Therapy: What is Bowen Technique used for?

The Bowen Technique is a holistic method of bodywork that looks at the whole of your being—not just the symptoms or conditions you might be experiencing. During a 45- to 60-minute session, a trained Bowen therapist will use pressure on your muscles, ligaments, tendons, and joints to encourage your body to repair and reset itself.

Many people have found this holistic treatment to be helpful for:

  • Treating neck, shoulder, and back pain
  • Help in resolving freezing shoulders and mobility Issues
  • Help with healing injuries from sports and athletics
  • Help to resolve freezing shoulders and mobility Issues
  • Reduce the frequency and intensity of headaches and migraines
  • Reduce stress and fatigue in your body
  • Help to reduce bed wetting and bladder problems
  • Bowen Therapy can reduce pain and inflammation, improve range of motion, and even help with menstrual cramp

To ensure you get the most out of your Bowen therapy, here are six things you should know before starting.

  • Bowen therapy is safe for all ages and can help with any number of pains and conditions. No matter how young or old you are, Bowen therapy may be able to help
  • Bowen therapy often leads to relief after just a single session or significant improvement within three sessions. If symptoms don’t resolve, you should see your doctor. Many people with chronic conditions, such as Parkinson’s Disease, find long-term relief from Bowen treatments as part of their treatment plan
  • If you are already receiving other complementary-therapy treatments, such as massage, chiropractic treatment, reflexology, or acupuncture, it may be best to avoid having multiple manipulation-based treatments close together. This will help your body recover between sessions and make things run as smoothly as possible
  • Some people experience some symptoms after a session, including tiredness, headaches, and flu-like symptoms. These are thought to be due to the body ‘resetting itself.’ If you experience any side effects, discuss them with your therapist
  • After treatment, it is good to rest and take it easy for a few days. It may feel like you are healing faster than you are. Mild emotional or physical changes can occur during this time as your body adjusts to the new way of working. Take it easy and be patient. Strenuous exercise, as well as using hot or cold packs can confuse or counter the effects of Bowen therapy. Wait at least a week before engaging in such activities
  • Make sure you continue to exercise, drink plenty of water and reduce how often you sit still. If possible, try not to stay sitting in one place for more than 30 minutes at a time to maximize the effects of your treatment in the days following. Taking a short walk or doing some gentle stretches can be very beneficial

Bottom Line

Though there’s not a lot of research on the benefits and side effects of Bowen therapy, practitioners say it can help with pain and motor function. The therapy works by altering the nervous system and reducing your pain response. If you’re looking for Bowen Therapy near you, be sure to consult an experienced practitioner like Jacqueline Kane, who can help you understand what to expect before starting a therapy session, her sessions are an effective way to reduce pain and welcome well-being!

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