Jacqueline Kane

Bodywork vs Massage

Jacqueline Kane Stop the Pain Specialist

People often use the terms bodywork and massage interchangeably. But they are not the same thing. Bodywork refers to ancient practices that involve manipulating the body to enhance relaxation, encourage connection between the body and mind, and increase the flow of energy in the body.  

Massage is the practice of kneading a person’s soft tissues to improve their well-being. All massage techniques are part of bodywork. The practices can broadly be categorized as non-touch and physical therapies.

Non-tactile techniques

Non-contact bodywork techniques do not involve physical touch. They include practices like:-

  • Yoga: A mind and body practice that combines physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation. It reduces stress, lowers blood pressure, increases flexibility, and improves posture.
  • Reiki: A form of energy healing in which the practitioner moves their hand over the client’s clothed body to facilitate a healthy flow of energy. The result is pain relief, stimulation of the body’s immune system, and bone and tissue healing.
  • Pranayama: The practice of breath regulation that is often practiced with yoga and meditation. Its benefits include increased mindfulness, better sleep quality, and enhanced cognitive performance.

Tactile techniques

Tactile bodywork techniques require practitioners to establish physical contact with their clients. They include:- 

  • Psoas massage: The psoas, also known as the “soul muscle”, connects the human body – physically, emotionally, and energetically. The psoas massage is a therapy that helps release stiffness in the psoas muscle. It can help relieve back pain, improve posture, improve digestion and prevent hip and groin pain.
  • Relaxing massage: The application of a set of manual techniques that aim to improve the well-being of people through the manipulation of body tissues. The therapy acts on soft tissues, such as the skin, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. It improves circulation, reduces pain, and lowers heart rate and blood pressure.
  • Lypossage: A non-invasive manual therapy that drains cellulite from the areas below the skin. The technique contours and shapes areas of the body, especially areas around the arms, abdomen, waist, thighs,  hips, and buttocks.
  • Bowen therapy: A technique that is carried out “on the surface” of the body using small, simple, but extremely precise manipulations. Its goal is to restore the body’s lost balance, combat pain, and stimulate self-healing mechanisms. It acts through muscles, tendons, nerves, and fascia.

Bodywork and massage

Bodywork is a more holistic technique that includes massage and other related techniques. Practitioners specializing in massage often include breathing exercises when applying pressure to muscles and soft tissues, which helps to increase the body’s energy. This technique is based on ancient practices and on different techniques to bring healing through knowledge of human musculature, anatomy, and body energy flow.

By combining different techniques, bodywork is more effective than a simple massage or learning self-relaxation or stretching techniques. As a comprehensive approach, it is one of the most enjoyable holistic approaches to ensuring the well-being of the body and mind.

Where bodywork therapies take place

Bodywork therapies can be conducted at home or in the office. Professionals offering bodywork assess your overall concerns.  They may hold you in specific positions to assess your overall body balance. He or she will then inform you about areas where you may feel your tension or stress, as well as any aches.

The professional works with specific muscles or muscle groups of the body. For tension and stress, bodywork is often focused on the neck, shoulder, and upper body area, and can be very effective in bringing about deep relaxation, eliminating tension, and preventing problems such as migraines associated with stress.


Many common illnesses and conditions can be treated with the help of therapeutic bodywork. People with persistent migraines, back pain, and anxiety are an example of common applications. 

Contact us for bodywork sessions. We provide Bodywork sessions – Bowen Therapy, Psoas Massage, Lypossage, and Relaxing Massage to meet your specific needs. Our bodywork sessions are a gateway to well-being and are designed to restore joy & balance and release energy blocks. Use the code BODYWORK20 to receive 20% off all bodywork sessions.

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