Jacqueline Kane

Befriend your inner saboteur

Aghhh… our inner saboteur! You know, that part of ourselves that seems to pop up at the worst time and ruin something in our lives? The saboteur is part of our personality that deliberately disrupts, destroys, or hinders our success.  I’ve seen many clients who are unable to live their best lives because of their inner saboteur.  I’ll help you learn where the self-saboteur comes from and how you can befriend it so that you can achieve your goals.

Where does the inner saboteur come from?

We have all come into this life with a defense team and a soul success team.  These parts and voices are inside of us and sometimes they control our actions. The defense team is made up of the saboteur, blamer, complainer, inner critic, and skeptic. The soul success team consists of supporters, protectors, and believers.

The voices of our soul success team hardly show up because most of these energies do not feel comfortable to us. But many of us have made friends with our defense team. Mostly because we’ve experienced some kind of trauma – little or big trauma so we are focusing on our defense team.  

Why we are comfortable with negativity?

 We mostly feel comfortable complaining, blaming, and living in fear, sadness, and grief because that is what we are used to.  This begins as our parents or guardians help us survive against real and imagined threats to our physical and emotional survival as children.  

Whether your childhood was, easy or difficult, there was a time when you failed publicly or were rejected. At other times you might have felt terrified of the thought of death, starvation, or any of the myriad other dangers of this chaotic world.  There might have been a pivotal moment when you promised yourself to act in a certain way, or conversely, never to act in another way. You have coded your mental functioning, your model of reality.

In addition, we see a lot of negativity on TV or social media. When we hang out with our friends, we focus so much on what we don’t have in our lives. That’s why they are most present and why we feel more comfortable in that space. That’s why we are comfortable with our defense team which tends to be negative.

When the voices of our defense team show up, they are going to shut things down until we pay attention to them. They want to get out attention and that’s the only way this voice knows how to get our attention – by making us sick,  injuring us, and making us tired.

Befriend the inner saboteur and find healing

If we are living in pain and our goal is to get out of pain, or change of habit, most of the time we are doing that from the energy of fear, grief, and sadness. It is difficult to change from this energy because it is heavy and can get stopped and trapped in our bodies, especially if we have never been taught to heal the emotions and trauma we’ve been carrying with them.

The way to get in touch with these different parts of ourselves is to tune into the part that’s called the “self.”  This is how to do this.

  • Imagine that you have put the self across the room in a chair. 
  • Tune into the saboteur in your physical body. 
  • Shift into the chair and talk to the saboteur. Ask the saboteur, “how are you going to help the self in a new way? What message do you have for the self today?”
  • Carefully listen to the saboteur
  • Thank the saboteur for speaking and take a few deep breaths. 
  • When you are ready, shift back into the self. 


There are a lot of modalities that can heal you. But they work even better when it’s personalized to your unique experiences.  Contact me and get in touch with the inner saboteur in a controlled environment where I can personalize this work for you. I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

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