Jacqueline Kane

Are Your Symptoms of Low Back Pain A Signal For Anxiety?

Do you struggle with back pain every day?

And you think to yourself, “Man! Mondays suck, don’t they? And Tuesdays and Wednesdays too. Perhaps all the working days are the same!”. Then suddenly you feel a twinge in your back that lowers your spirits further down. And mind you, there is a long, long day still ahead packed with tasks.

Back pain is a hassle no one wants to deal with at any time of the day, much less at the start of it. There can be many things that cause back pain. Such as a sudden blow or trauma, surgery, a job that includes sitting for long hours, etc. Yet these are not the only reasons for back pain. In fact, you’d be surprised to find out that stress and anxiety, if not treated, can also result in acute lower back pain!

You’d ask, but how does this happen? Well, negative thoughts and unpleasant circumstances give rise to anxiety which causes certain chemicals, such as adrenaline and cortisol, to be released in your body to protect your nervous system from harm. While this may look like a great protection mechanism, it can cause the muscles in your neck, shoulders, and back to tighten, resulting in chronic low back pain and more anxiety in the long run.

Can anxiety cause lower back pain? 

Although constant back pain can also make a person anxious and stressed, it can be a symptom of anxiety itself as well. Studies have found that the more depressed you are, the more pain you will feel. This is because of the hyperstimulation of your body’s anxiety response. If you are anxious or stressed all the time, your body will remain in a state called stress-response readiness. This will keep your muscles tight all the time, causing chronic back pain.

Since anxiety can give rise to back pain and vice versa, they are often found in a vicious cycle in which anxiety causes back pain and pain makes you worried. The more worried you are, the more your back pain escalates thus giving rise to lower back pain anxiety. What’s worse, anxiety often makes people more sensitive, causing them to feel their pain a little more intensely than it is.  

Well, if you are still reading, you might have understood how anxiety and stress cause back pain. But just like every other problem, it has symptoms, and preventive measures that you can take to avoid both back pain and anxiety, and then there is a cure. So, stay with us.

Symptoms Of Anxiety Back Pain

Anxiety back pain can be different from normal back pain or pain that has a reason behind it; such as a trauma or surgery. So, keep in mind that if your back pain comes with some or all of the below-mentioned symptoms, you need to find ways to treat your anxiety and deal with your stress along with looking for remedies for your back pain:

  • Suffering from sharp, shooting back pain often but you have not done anything that can cause it.
  • Your back pain does not come alone but also brings with it soreness of your back and shoulder muscles.
  • You often feel that the muscles between your shoulder blades have gone stiff.
  • Your back pain sometimes comes with a burning sensation.
  • Your back pain is accompanied by fatigue and makes it hard for you to get good sleep.

While looking out for the mentioned symptoms, make sure your back pain specialist has ruled out injury or any other illness as their probable cause. Also keep in mind that anxiety can cause lower back pain, as well as pain in the middle of your back, and in between your shoulders or neck.

Prevention From Anxiety Related Back Pain 

To prevent back pain, you first need to deal with the reason that’s causing it, i.e., anxiety. It is also vital that you first visit a doctor to determine the cause. And if the root is anxiety, then to prevent yourself from getting it again in the long run, you are suggested to take the following measures:

  • Be more physically active. One way to do that is to include lower back pain relief exercises and other physical activities into your daily routine. And if your work requires you to sit for a long time, get up from your seat and do a few laps of stretching now and then to warm up your body and relax your muscles. And if you want to reduce pain in some specific areas of your neck and back, consult a physiotherapist who will suggest specific exercises to relieve your pain.
  • Eat healthily. This may not bring immediate results but is extremely beneficial in the long run.
  • Practice mindfulness and meditation to deal with your relentless stress. Take proper rest and spend time with your close ones to avoid negative thoughts that can trigger your anxiety.
  • Massage therapy can also help in relieving you from your back pain as well as your anxiety. It improves blood circulation, decreases tension in muscles, and also releases certain relaxing substances into your body such as endorphins, thus helping with both pain and depression.
  • Remember that going for unhealthy options to treat your back pain, such as recreational substances, will result in more harm so avoid alcohol and other addictive drugs at any cost. You are instead suggested to go for a plan suggested by your doctor for lasting benefits instead of having temporary relief from your pain.

End Note 

Patients suffering from anxiety-related pain should consult the doctor for their lower back pain treatment and take medication as well as therapy to treat both their conditions at the same time to avoid the cycle of pain. Then there are chances that soon they will find their way to holistic healing

Jaqueline Kane, a remarkable therapist, can help you live a fulfilling, pain-free life by relieving you of your back pain through her happy low back body work sessions. Book your session today and see your life changing. 

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