Jacqueline Kane

The Secret To Healing Low Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most common reasons people seek medical help. Studies indicate that 8 in 10 people in America have experienced low back pain at some point. It is one of the leading causes of inability to work and the deterioration of the quality of life.

Causes of back pain 

Lower back pain generally involves the psoas muscle in some way.  It is found at the lowest part of the spine and runs through the pelvic area and ends at the femur bone. It is important for movement, structural balance, joint function, flexibility, and much more.

Psoas muscle can become tight as a result of overuse and injury. It can also result in low back pain because:-

  • A psoas that is shortened on one side will pull the spine or pelvis to that side, leading to back pain.
  • The pressure exerted by the psoas while in a contracted state can compress the joints and the lumbar discs of the vertebrae of the spine. This can lead to degeneration, making one more susceptible to injury.
  • A tight psoas will pull the pelvis forward, weakening the hamstrings.

Risk factors for back pain

While back pain can affect anyone, some people are more prone to this type of pain, including:

  • People over the age of 40;
  • People who carry heavy loads, or perform repetitive movements that strain the back;
  • Pregnant women ;
  • Overweight or obese people;
  • People who do little or no physical activity.

Symptoms of low back pain

Low back pain may disappear within a few days or weeks. It could also last for months or years. It can be limited to the spine or radiate to the buttock, thigh, calf, and even to the foot (on one or both sides). Symptoms related to back pain include:-

  • pain in the lower back that comes on suddenly and is manifested by a sudden and intense contraction of the muscles;
  •  pain that runs down one or both legs like a “pinching”; it may be exacerbated by coughing, sneezing, or straining;
  • If lower back pain is worse at night, it may be caused by pressure from inflammation, a diseased organ, or a tumor.

Ways to heal your low back

Chronic low back pain is associated with an increased likelihood of depression, psychosis, anxiety, stress, and sleep disturbances.

Thus, healing back pain is not only important for our physical well-being, but it also has important health implications. ⁣

For low back pain treatment consider scheduling a psoas massage. The psoas massage is a therapy that helps release stiffness in the psoas muscle.  The therapist will manipulate the muscles by performing a range of motions, using a variety of stretches, and applying gentle pressure on the attachment sites of the psoas and joints. The massage will provide immediate back pain relief, improve posture, aids digestion, and prevents hip pain

You could also get a regular massage. Several studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of massage in relieving back pain. Moreover, a massage combined with low back pain relief exercises is also effective in controlling pain and improving function in the short and long term.

Tips to avoid back pain

Back pain, which is not caused by any disease, can be counteracted by taking a few simple steps, including:

  • lifting heavy objects from a crouching position while keeping your back straight. The weight is distributed evenly, it is also good to rest it on the hip or use special belts;
  • Resting your feet on the floor while sitting. Ensure that the backrest of the chair supports the spine mainly in its sacro-lumbar part;
  • Changing your position from time to time when standing for a long time. Place your left and right foot alternately on a low footrest;
  • Wearing comfortable shoes;
  • Taking a balanced diet that will provide the body with all necessary nutrients for the proper functioning of the body, including calcium and vitamin D for healthy and strong bones.


If you suffer from low back pain, consider getting frequent massages. It can be used in addition to another therapy to enhance its effects. If you are looking for a low back pain healer, contact Jacqueline Kane, the Stop the Pain Specialist, who supports people in discovering the crucial hidden links between their physical pain and their ability to live a full life. Click HERE to book a convenient time so you can start feeling great.

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