Jacqueline Kane

The Healing Power of Massage

We associate a few things with relaxation: cozying up by the fire, spa days, staying in bed until 2 p.m., and, of course, getting a massage. While massage is great at promoting relaxation, it has healing benefits, too.

The term massage means the manipulation of soft tissues to relieve discomfort in different body parts. It can treat trauma, poor posture, and stress, among others. 

Using massage to promote healing is not new. Physicians in ancient Antiquity, China, Greece, Rome, Egypt, and other civilizations discovered that the therapy leads to good physical and mental health in human beings. 

Benefits of massage

Studies have shown that touch is important for the growth and development of a wide range of living organisms – from worms to humans. Massage has also been proven to strengthen the immune system, regulate digestion and reduce stress.

Other benefits of massage include:-

  • Treating the skin surface
  • Relieving muscle and joint pain
  • Strengthening  the joints 
  • Regulating the functioning of the lymphatic system, nervous system, and digestive system
  • Improving kidney and heart function
  • Treating respiratory disorders
  • Balancing the body’s metabolism
  • Eliminating toxins that cause stress and nervousness

When to get a massage

A real natural remedy for everyday ailments, therapeutic massage is prescribed for the treatment of:

  • Skin problems such as cellulite, orange peel skin, and excess fat
  • Muscle and joint diseases
  • Mobility issues
  • Nervousness, tension, and stress
  • Sleeping troubles
  • Back pain, chronic migraines, painful periods
  • Cardiovascular illnesses
  • Kidney, digestive, and respiratory problems
  • Psychological disorders

Types of massage

There are different kinds of massages, adapted to the tastes and needs of people. The common types include:

PSOAS massage

The psoas muscle, also known as the muscle of the soul, can become tight as a result of overuse and injury. If there is tension in the area, its nerves can be compressed. Because of this, the psoas seemingly unrelated symptoms including:

  • Back pain
  • Pelvic pain
  • Leg pain
  • Hip pain
  • Bladder pain
  • Digestive issues
  • PMS symptoms.

 Many clients with low back pain find relief immediately after the psoas massage.


The lymphatic fluid travels through the lymphatic system and carries cells that help fight infections and other diseases. This fluid is mainly responsible for cellulite and fatty deposits.

Lypossage moves lymphatic fluids, which flushes and drains cellulite from the areas just below the skin. This treatment contours areas of the body, targeting the inches around the waist, abdomen, hips, hips, buttocks, and arms without surgical intervention.

Other benefits of lypossage are:

  • Breaking down adhesions that contribute to lumps and bulging
  • Reducing cellulite
  • Improving circulation
  • Detoxing the body
  • Toning muscles
  • Improving the elasticity of the skin

Bowen therapy

This therapy involves the use of precise and gentle rolling hand movements on superficial and deep fascia and reduces pain by stimulating the nervous system. 

It is a holistic treatment that aims to treat the cause of problems, rather than the symptoms. 

The treatment works the nervous, lymphatic, circulatory, immune, and energetic systems in each session which is why the results are very long-lasting. 

Bowen therapy can  help you:

  • Recover faster from aches and pains
  • Say goodbye to neck pain
  • Sleep better
  • Wake up refreshed
  • Clear the brain fog
  • Have all the energy you need to get through the day


Self-massage is using your hands or objects to knead your skin and apply pressure in certain areas. Lots of people are constantly looking for ways to do self-healing, self-healing guides,  or self-healing for free

A self-massage will support the body’s ability to heal itself. Massage self-healing techniques include applying pressure and kneading certain spots, such as shoulders, neck, back, and feet. Gently locate soft muscles and massage them with your hands. 


Healing is a journey that starts with uncovering the root cause of trauma and leaving the past truly behind.  I perform massages and use other modalities such as  EFT, and ancestor clearing to promote healing. If you would like to end chronic pain, let me be your guide. Contact me and book your session today.

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