Jacqueline Kane

Are you sabotaging your healing process?

Since I’ve been there and done that,  I can confidently tell you that the healing process can be very challenging. Many of my clients come to see me with the goal of getting out of pain. They work very hard at the beginning and do all the work that they need to heal. But just as they are starting to heal, the inner saboteur shows up. 

Has this ever happened to you?  Do you often feel like there’s a weight around your ankle slowing you down, even pulling you back toward the pain that you’ve escaped? For every step forward you take ten backward? Then, it’s time to learn about the inner saboteur.

What’s the inner saboteur?

The word saboteur means to destroy. The saboteur destroys our goals, stopping us from achieving what we really want. It seems crazy, but I see it all the time. 

Whether your goal is to get out of pain, lose weight, get a partner, or anything else, the inner saboteur can stop you. Suddenly a pattern of being busy shows up and you forget an appointment.  Or a family member gets sick and you have to put all your energy and attention into helping them.  

One of my clients had been making great progress in her healing. Then she began missing her appointments. When appointments come up,  her daughter would get sick or there would be a snow storm. While we can’t change the weather, sometimes our saboteur is so strong that these things show up and stop us in our tracks.

Why would anyone be afraid of getting out of pain or healing their body? 

The main reason for self-sabotage is fear. I’ve realized that a number of the clients that I see, sometimes, cannot move forward because they are paralyzed by fear.  That’s because as much as we want to get healed, there is a part of us that might be afraid. For example, you might fear that you’ll have more, help more people, or have to set boundaries.

For some people, facing these fears is scarier than healing.  What they don’t realize is that they are already living in the pain that the inner saboteur is running away from.  It’s time to flush it out!

How to move forward?

Healing is multilayered. To achieve complete healing, it is important to consult a specialist. I try to go deep to understand why my clients are in pain. When we heal at a deeper level,  it’s easier to understand why the saboteur is showing up. 

In a deep healing session, I seek to understand my client’s thoughts, beliefs, and programming.  Specifically, I look at the mind-body-pain connection, because the mind controls everything. If they are not getting what they want, I seek to understand their patterns to realize what they need.

With one of my clients, we talked to the inner saboteur and found out that she was scared of people around her and the world. She didn’t know what to do. So I just allowed her to speak her fear. I said “It’s okay to be scared. I’m here for you and can we uplevel your job description so that we can all be on board?” This greatly helped with her healing process.


Do you need help in overcoming your inner saboteur? Contact Jacqueline Kane, the Stop the Pain Specialist who supports people in discovering the crucial hidden links between their physical pain and their ability to live a full life. 

You can also join her private Facebook group. It is a safe community for women who are ready to heal and not allow the past to define the present. You receive the tools, encouragement, and support to feel enough and release your physical, spiritual, and emotional life, which will help you live your best life!

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