Jacqueline Kane

Healing trauma holistically

We’ve all experienced some type of trauma: hospitalization, natural disasters, or the sudden death of a loved one. When you undergo trauma, your body goes into survival mode and constantly releases cortisol. This compromises the body’s immune system, which prevents it from healing. Read on to learn what trauma is and how you can heal it holistically.

Different types of trauma

Trauma is a terrible event that has not been adequately processed and understood. As a result, it casts a shadow over one’s life. Depending on the situation that you have experienced, trauma can be categorized into five types, as discussed below. 

Big “T”  trauma

Big “T” traumatic events have long-lasting impacts. They include terrorism, sexual assault, or prolonged physical and emotional abuse. Symptoms of Big “T” trauma are typically associated with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). People who suffer from this type of trauma may experience nightmares, flashbacks, or intrusive thoughts.

Little “t” trauma

Little “t”  refers to trauma that results from personal events, such as getting divorced or undergoing financial stress. Despite the name little “t”, the trauma can still disrupt your life, especially if it is not processed. 

Acute trauma

Acute trauma refers to trauma that occurs from a single incident. The unsettling event can be categorized as small “t” or Big “T” trauma depending on the situation. Examples of acute trauma include assault, accidents, witnessing an act of violence, and natural disasters.  

Chronic trauma

Compared to acute trauma, which describes singular events, chronic trauma is about repeated and prolonged events. Incidences such as domestic violence, ongoing abuse, medical trauma, and bullying are considered chronic trauma.

Complex trauma

Complex trauma refers to multiple traumatic events that a person has gone through in their lifetime. For example, it could mean that they grew up in a chaotic or abusive home as a child and then experienced other acute or chronic trauma.

Ancestral trauma

Ancestral trauma describes the traumas or experiences that we carry from our parents and forefathers which make it harder to live the life that we desire. This includes alcohol and drug addiction, domestic violence, child abuse, or war-related trauma.

Healing trauma with EFT

Many people struggle with the symptoms of trauma. While the effects might be devastating, they don’t have to ruin your life. You can heal your trauma and lead a fulfilling life through emotional freedom techniques  (EFT).  The technique focuses on the meridian points-or energy hot spots -to restore balance to your body’s energy. It is believed that restoring this energy balance can relieve symptoms that a negative experience or emotion may have caused.  Sign up for private  EFT sessions with Jacqueline Kane.

Healing trauma with inner child healing

We all have an inner child within us. It is the part of us that holds memories of our past- good memories as well as traumatic memories that we want to forget. To heal the inner child, write a letter about the traumatic memories that you experienced as a child. From an adult perspective, offer insight or explanations for distressing circumstances that you didn’t understand back then, what you wish you knew, or things that you kept secret. 

Through the letter, you can provide assurance and comfort to your inner child. This will allow you to let go of all the pain that both of you have been carrying. Contact me to help you heal your inner child, which will help you get rid of the emotional pain that stops you from living your best life.

Healing trauma with ancestral energy healing

Some of us carry trauma that could be a result of our parents’ or ancestors’ unresolved emotional issues. Download this free soul activation meditation and release the energetic generational patterns stored in your body. Ancestral energy healing addresses the trauma stored in the body and helps us break the patterns of trauma.

Bottom line

When trauma is trapped in the body, it causes physical and emotional problems. By using EFT and inner child healing techniques, you will be able to heal and clear the trapped trauma. Would you like to learn more about private coaching? Contact Jacqueline Kane for private coaching,  including EFT along with healing modalities like bodywork, ancestral clearing, inner child, voice dialogue as well as listening and identifying sabotaging patterns. 


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