Jacqueline Kane

How to Practice Self-Care

How to Practice Self-Care

There is nothing selfish about taking care of yourself. On the contrary, it is essential! 

By taking time to take care of yourself, you will not only positively influence your well-being but will also improve the quality of your relationships. 

In this article,  I will show you how to integrate self-care rituals that will boost your well-being. You deserve it!


Why it is important to take care of yourself

Taking care of yourself is more important than ever today. 

If you neglect your needs and wellbeing for too long, it can have negative effects, such as being irritable, constantly exhausted, and being dissatisfied with your life. 

But when you engage in self-care activities,  you will be able to destress and reduce inner turmoil.

Here are some ways that you can take care of your needs.


Recognize your needs

It’s time to listen to yourself. Would you like to have more time for yourself and your hobbies? 

Or maybe you want to go for a romantic dinner or attend a virtual meeting with your friends. Whatever it is, make sure that you identify your needs.

To keep track of your needs,   you can write them in a journal. This will allow you to confront your thoughts and feelings as well as reflect on the things that you may be missing.


Set clear boundaries

Taking care of yourself also means being able to set boundaries and saying ‘no’. 

If you know your limits and make sure they are respected, then you will be happier. Always ask yourself if something is right for you before you agree to it.

Not everyone might like to be turned down, but most will understand. 

If your relationships are based on respect, others will know that you need time for yourself as well.



You hear it everywhere -exercising at least 3 times a week for an hour is important. But sometimes this might not be practical. 

Balancing work, family, social and private life is tricky. 

However, you can look for ways to squeeze exercises into your busy schedule. 

For example,  you can find 30 minutes a day for a quick run or a few cardio exercises. 

You can also engage in other exercises,  such as yoga, golf, and other physical activities. 

Exercising can benefit your well-being in several ways. For example, your mood will improve significantly thanks to the endorphins released by the body when you exercise.

Engaging in physical activity will also help improve your self-esteem as you will see positive changes in your fitness level.


Take time for yourself

When faced with stressful situations, it’s best to just take a break. 

There is no magic formula, the solution is very simple: turn your phone off and schedule something pleasant like a trip or a getaway with your other half.

Don’t you always feel better when you go on vacation? That’s because vacation allows you to take time to settle down and relax. 

You will realize that your digestion system will work better and your nervous system will regain its balance when you are relaxed.


Think positive

Daily stress and worries have a direct effect on our physical health. It is thus necessary to surround yourself with positive waves to better manage this stress. 

Doing so is enough to transform your negative thoughts into positive ones. 

For example, instead of complaining about a tiring and stressful day at work, be happy that you have a job that gives you stability for your family. Easy as pie!

If it is too difficult to transform your negative thoughts, then do something that makes you feel good: listening to music, a good night out with friends, a dance class, a photography class. This will immediately put you in a good mood.


Write a ‘to-do list”

I know this sounds counterintuitive, but I promise it works. 

Writing a “to-do list”  allows your brain to visualize everything that you have to do during the day.

You’ll be able to see the priorities more clearly and rationalize them.  If you don’t have time for everything, that’s okay. Lists are also beneficial because:-

  • You’ll clear your head and feel lighter
  • You won’t forget anything
  • You’ll be more efficient
  • You’ll stay motivated

Remember to think of yourself when writing your list!


It is not selfish to take care of yourself

Taking care of yourself means doing things that positively influence your well-being, both physical and mental.

This is not selfish, rather it helps you improve your quality of life and your relationship with others.




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