Jacqueline Kane

Top 3 Most Effective Energy Healing Techniques and How They Work

Top 3 Most Effective Energy Healing Techniques and How They Work
Top 3 Most Effective Energy Healing Techniques and How They Work


When we experience emotional or physical pain, we visit a hospital or take medication.

But there is an easier way that we can relieve the suffering. We can use our inner powers to heal the pain.

The three most effective energy healing techniques are inner child healing, ancestral healing, and emotional freedom techniques.

Inner Child Healing

From the moment we are born, we go through traumatic experiences. For example,  if you were repeatedly mistreated as a child, you might think you deserve to be treated poorly. 

These thoughts shape what we attract into our lives and determine what we can achieve.

How to heal your inner child

Acknowledge the inner child. An unhealed inner child always remains active and demands to be listened to, recognized, and freed from suffering.

Then recollect all the childhood experiences that had a great impact on you. 

Recognize toxic patterns, started in your childhood, that you would like to change and write this in a journal. 

Then write a letter to assure and comfort your inner child so that the child can peacefully let go of the pain that you have both been carrying.


By healing your inner child, you reduce your source of stress at the root. 

You will reduce organic dysfunctions that ultimately degenerate into chronic diseases, relationship problems, lack of balance, and aggressiveness.

Ancestral Healing

We have ancestors that precede us who have experienced plagues, the great depression, moved from one country to another with just the clothing on their back, and most have experienced war.  And these are just a few of the potential situations that our ancestors dealt with. 

Our ancestors might also have negative beliefs and experiences around health, poor relationships, insecurities, lack of value, feeling judged, perfectionism and not going after their dreams. 

Carrying this energy will lead to financial struggle, relationship challenges, physical pain, and emotional overwhelm. 

How to practice ancestral healing

Close your eyes and get in tune with your situation. For example, you might be struggling financially and are unable to meet your financial obligations.

Think about how this situation makes you feel. Are you sad? Depressed? Or worried? 

Then think of a person who comes to your mind when you think about the situation. Is it a parent, grandparent, or another relative? What does this person think about finances? This step is empowering and eye-opening for many people.

Once you are enlightened about the situation, release the pain that you have been carrying.


Ancestral healing can transform energetic patterns that stop you from achieving your soul’s life mission and purpose.

Emotional Freedom Techniques/ Tapping

If trauma is trapped in the body, it can lead to physical or emotional pain. When I practice EFT techniques on my clients, I realize that they heal the trapped trauma. If they are in pain, they feel better.  

How to practice EFT

EFT is practiced by tapping the ends of certain energy meridians (energetic highways), which allows trapped energy to circulate normally. 

Tapping produces a rebalance of the energetic meridians that have been disturbed by an emotionally disturbing experience.

This will help reduce the emotional burden associated with a traumatic memory and change your attitude to their problem.


Tapping can provide quick and lasting emotional relief by treating the root cause of negative emotions. 

Studies have shown that EFT techniques are effective in reducing anxiety, improving sports performance, alleviating symptoms related to post-traumatic stress, relieving phobias, reducing stress but also improving pain, vitality, and health. 


Energy healing techniques are effective in healing negative emotions. They are essential to transform our life, giving us the ability to act on our emotional state whenever we want.

If you have any questions on energy healing or would like to schedule a consultation, consult Jacqueline M. Kane.

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