Jacqueline Kane

How To Recover When Life Crushes You

How To Recover When Life Crushes You

Devastating circumstances in life can hit you like a bus. Especially in moments when you least expect them. In these times, it’s painful to see how your whole life may seem to crumble before your eyes.

Life throws many challenges: death of loved ones, betrayals, heartbreaks, accidents, sicknesses. These are some of the things that cause deep wounds in us. Though we may encounter similar troubles, the pain we feel is personal. No one can truly know the depths of your pain except you.


When you have such a charmed life that you never have to face such adversities, then you should consider yourself as an exceptional life form. The truth is: no one is immune to hardships.

Yes, we all go through it, and the manner by which you face difficulties can help you navigate your way toward healing and acceptance.

Ways to Support Your Healing Process


Acknowledge Your Pain

Ignoring your pain increases it. To experience healing, you must learn to get past your grief. ‘Wounds’ are sometimes beyond what the naked eye can see; they’re felt in the very depths of your being. Acknowledge your pain, don’t run from it. Breathe, spend time to reflect, and allow yourself to grieve. Brush off the idea that you need to move on quickly. The key to recovery is time and patience. 


Seek Help

Spending time with yourself is a part of healing, but isolating yourself for a long time is unhealthy. Deep pain encourages your personal demons, such as blaming yourself, welcoming victimhood, or bitterness. These choices cause entrapment and make you a stranger to freedom. Reach out to people, seek their help. Find support groups or coaching sessions. Dwell on things that will give you peace of mind.


Take a Break

Taking a break from your pain is essential. Everyone finds relief in various ways. Some find it through engaging in art, going to beautiful places, watching movies, etc. Choose an activity that will allow you to step into another reality, even if it’s only for a few moments. Your pain may be waiting for you when you get back, but you’ll be back better fortified, refreshed and ready to face it.


Learn from it

The road to wisdom is paved with suffering. As you reflect, explore, and consider, without self-blame, you’ll be introduced to a greater understanding and compassion for yourself. Foster a learning attitude and it will help you unearth treasures in the experience. Coming across recovery from emotional trauma can turn you into a stronger, wiser, and more resilient person.


Move on

Your sufferings don’t define you. Don’t let it rob you of your identity and life. After giving yourself time to mourn, reaching out to others for support, and making space for your recovery, make a stand: you won’t allow pain to hold you back, instead decide to use it as an instrument to steer you in a new direction.


Express your feelings

Feelings of pain that are kept inside can disable you. Find ways to express it.  You can write about it or even seek counseling from a friend or a therapist. Expressing your pain can get you some distance from the emotion and help you avoid being overwhelmed. When you convey your feelings, it loses some of its power and grip over your life.


Love yourself

Immerse yourself fully into your own being. Learn to acknowledge the parts of you that are beautiful and amazing, but are so neglected. Don’t starve yourself of the love and affection that you deserve. Practicing self-love will enhance your knowledge of your own worth.


Facing your challenges head-on can bring you a sense of satisfaction and can be very fulfilling. The struggle is real, but don’t give up. Gold is tested with fire to burn all its impurities away and be refined. So know and believe that when life crushes you, it’s giving you an opportunity to grow and be better.

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