Jacqueline Kane

Emotional and Spiritual Significance of Back Pain

Emotional and Spiritual Significance of Back Pain

We often experience back pain because something is off in the way our spinal joints, muscles, discs, and nerves fit together and move. A doctor can simply check to see the cause of your back pain and prescribe needed medication to relieve its pain. 

However, not all back pain is simply caused and can be healed physically. The study proved that our emotional and spiritual health has an impact on our physical health, and is also liable for our back pain. 

Studies indicate that stress and anxiety can have physical ramifications. And that each condition or disease we accumulate carries a message we should seek to understand in order to fully heal. The gravity of our illness can either be heavy or light, but each one of them carries a message that deserves to be heard and understood. 

The emotional and spiritual baggage or trauma that we carry and refuse to let go of can constrict the muscles and nerves, causing physical pain. And unless we fully understand and heal these traumas first, will we be able to heal the physical pain that it caused. Below are a few examples of the pain we feel in certain parts of our body, and it’s a possible emotional and spiritual cause. 

Headaches and Migraines

  • This may indicate that you are experiencing extreme stress and tension.

Neck Pain

  • This may indicate a difficulty in forgiving those whom you are bothered by.

Shoulder Pain

  • This may indicate that you are carrying a big and heavy emotional problem on your own. 

Elbow Pain

  • This may indicate resistance to change in life.

Emotional cause of back pain

Upper Back Pain

Upper back pain is the pain you feel between your waist and neck. This may indicate that you are feeling unloved, sad, grief, sorrowful, or do not have enough emotional support. A person who is experiencing upper back pain may have many unfulfilled expectations from others and feels that he is carrying the heavy burden alone. 

To heal from upper back pain you must accept the fact that others have their own opinions and would not always agree with yours, and that is okay. You must accept that the world does not revolve around you and that everyone doesn’t need to bend to whatever you desire just to make you happy. 

Middle Back Pain

Middle back pain is the pain felt in the lower area of the spine and waist. Reflexology links this pain to feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, insecurity, and powerlessness. It is pain related to material insecurity. 

To heal from middle back pain you must accept that it is okay to feel weak and helpless and that you can bounce back from it. Instead of thinking that no one supports you, you should express your demands clearer and more often proclaim your right to achieve what you desire regardless of others’ lack of support.

Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is one of the most common causes of visits to the doctor. It is said that 80% of adults are bound to experience lower back pain at some point in their lifetime. This pain indicates that you have issues correlated with feelings of low self-worth, unworthiness, lack of self-acceptance, and loss of freedom. This may also indicate that you are experiencing money problems or lack of both emotional and financial support. 

To heal from lower back pain you need to practice self-care and self-trust. You should acknowledge that you have the ability to achieve your goals, you just need to believe in yourself first. 

Emotions affect our lower back and can create muscle tension resulting in back pain. Releasing and resolving the emotional burdens that you are feeling is the only way to relieve the back pain that you are experiencing.

Spiritual cause of back pain. 

Your physical health and emotions are not the only factors that cause back pain, your spirituality can cause it too. What you are feeling and thinking can trigger tension in the muscles, making them more prone to injury and creating pressure on joints and nerves resulting in pain. Seeking and acknowledging the spiritual meaning of your back pain can help relieve the pain and recover from it.

Upper Back Pain

Your upper back corresponds to the region of your heart and your heart’s energy center. This is why the pain on your upper back is the representation of the basic needs and the most fundamental structure of being. It can be caused by the lack of maternal love and affection, worry, fear, despair.

Middle Back Pain

The dorsal area is the middle part of your back, and it is highly affected by bad positions, carrying too many heavy objects, and by other spinal problems. The pain in this part of your body can indicate that you are forcing yourself to take charge of the emotional well-being of other people. It is related to the limits that you set yourself when you are faced with difficult situations. 

Lower Back Pain

Pain in the lower back is frequently mistaken for kidney problems. However spiritually, lower back pain is caused by the extreme pressure that you put on yourself. Your pain is caused by your feeling of helplessness during uncontrollable situations and loneliness caused by shyness and lack of communication

Although not all back pain is caused by your emotional and spiritual health, this doesn’t mean that you should neglect it. The pain that you are feeling on your back can only be fully healed when you mend the emotional hurt and the spiritual bonds through meditation, counseling, self-reflection, or through any kind of release. Give your emotional and spiritual health the attention and care it deserves.

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