Jacqueline Kane

How To Find Light After Deep Darkness

How To Find Light After Deep Darkness

How to find light after deep darkness

About a decade ago my life fell apart.

I was unhappy and feeling trapped in my marriage and as a mom.No one heard me when I spoke and would remark that someone else said the exact words that came out of my mouth.I kept busy so I didn’t have to feel how unhappy I felt inside.

Everything changed when I heard the words “I love you but not sure I want to be with you.”

This was my dark night of the soul.

That’s when I had divine intervention.

I was invited to be part of a coaching program and I knew it was time for me to invest my time, finances, and energy into healing what was holding me back.

I felt like fate stepped into my life and I decided to do something for myself – which was the first time in my life I took care of myself.

I took action on what was asked of me.  I kept an open mind, put the focus on me, and stayed willing so that I could release the past and current beliefs that were hindering my life.  I realized that what matter and what I wanted in life was important and that I was not going to waste another day not doing what I really wanted to do.

I  continued to want to learn and evolve because I chose possibilities than trappings of my mind’s limitations, now I knew what was possible for me.  I invested in myself with additional training and finally healed the trauma and stories I was telling myself.  I finally started to like myself.  I felt seen and heard for the first time. Because I had such a personal transformation I wanted others to experience the healing and the depth of the release that I had.


Schedule a free discovery call with me if you are ready to transform your life.

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