Jacqueline Kane

5 Positive Ways to Break Your ‘Emotional Baggage’

Do you ever feel the weight of your past clinging to you, like a backpack filled with memories and emotions? I know I do. We all carry our emotional baggage; it’s an integral part of our human journey. 

The weight you’ve been carrying, those hidden sorrows, and the memories that tug at your heart.

Have you longed for a way to separate yourself from these emotional knots?

First of all, you’re a lovely soul, and you’re not alone at all. Guess what? You’ve come to the right place.

Today, let’s talk about something beautiful: the possibility of setting it down, piece by piece, with love and compassion.

Imagine yourself looking at the sky, wondering if there’s a way to feel lighter and happier. 

Imagine, just for a moment, a path sprinkled with self-discovery, empowerment, and a renewed sense of freedom. Can you feel the light in your eyes as you imagine this? I see your excitement.

So, grab a cup of your favorite beverage, and let’s have a heart-to-heart and figure out ways to get through emotional baggage. Ready?

Emotional Healing Strategies

     1.Embrace the Power of Mindfulness

Ever wondered what it’s like to sit in a peaceful room, focus on your breath, and let all your worries evaporate into thin air? Well, that, my friend, is the magic of mindfulness! It’s like having a secret reset button for your emotions. Mindfulness is that secret doorway to a calmer you. It’s not just about sitting cross-legged and chanting ‘ohm.’ Nope, it is about giving yourself approval to just be – to watch your thoughts and feelings stroll by without the weight of judgment.

     2.Journal Your Thoughts and Feelings

Have you ever sat down for a heart-to-heart with yourself? You listen to everyone without judgment, don’t you think you should show the same love towards yourself too? Journaling is one way of doing that— it’s one of those emotional healing strategies that help you gain better clarity over your emotions.  Like, do you ever find yourself whispering, “Ah, that is why I felt that way!” That’s how a talk without self-depreciation with yourself works!

     3.Practice Self-Compassion and Self-Care

You know how we sometimes drag around emotional luggage ’cause we’re tough on ourselves, holding onto stuff like guilt? What if we tried a little self-compassion instead? Treat ourselves the exact same way we’d treat our friend in need— with kindness and love. Do everything that lights you up, whether it’s a frothy bubble bath, a walk in nature, or diving into that book that’s been calling your name. Trust me, all these moments will work wonders to patch up your heart.

     4.Surround Yourself With Good People

Imagine your life as a vibrant canvas, with the people around you as the colors that fill it. Wouldn’t it be pretty cool to have shades of happiness and positivity in your masterpiece? Surround yourself with people who radiate joy, are positive and supportive, and are like those adventurous characters in a book you can’t put down. You know, just like a cake needs the right ingredients to rise, as humans, we need the right people to lift us too.

     5.Forgive! Forgive! Forgive!

Dragging around emotional baggage from past relationships, family rifts, or lingering grudges does no good to anyone ever. You can drop this baggage. I know, I know, it’s not that simple, but once you take that step, the revelation will be mind-blowing. It’s about forgiveness. Forgiveness isn’t just a virtue; it’s your ticket to happiness. Well, you forgive everyone, and here it’s definitely not just about forgiving others but you. It’s about setting yourself free. There’s no bigger and more beautiful gift you can give yourself than forgiveness.


Releasing emotional tension is like shedding a heavy coat and feeling the warmth of sunlight on your skin. 

Start by embracing mindfulness, allowing yourself to exist without judgment, and finding peace in the present moment.

Let your heart spill onto the pages of a journal. Practice self-reflection and self-compassion, to untwine those emotional knots, gaining clarity and understanding. 

Remember, it’s okay to be as kind to yourself as you are to others. Surround yourself with positivity and supportive people to add vibrant colors to your life’s canvas. 

And lastly, forgive, my dear friend, not just others but yourself too. Forgiveness is the key to unlocking a door to happiness you never knew existed. Trust me, you deserve it.

You are always more than welcome to book a private coaching session with Jacqueline Kane, an empathetic trustworthy therapist, and release old pain patterns restraining you from stepping into your force and living your best life. 

Dear, let go of the past, and watch your future bloom with newfound light and freedom.

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