Jacqueline Kane

28 Self-love Affirmations To Boost Self-love

28 Self-love Affirmations To Boost Self-love

During coaching sessions or consultations, I notice that many people lack self-love.

Right now more than ever, we all need to soak up positive vibes to boost self-love, which will increase our happiness. 

And we can increase positive vibes by repeating self-love affirmations.

What is self-love?

Self-love is the extent to which you love and appreciate yourself. 

Self-love makes it possible to have a positive vision of life, to experience joy, and to go through life a little more easily. 

If you don’t have self-love, you may have difficulty expressing your needs and have an extreme fear of failure. You might even find it hard to accept a compliment.

When you love yourself, you:

  • Don’t try to please everyone
  • Trust your instincts
  • Set aside time to rest and take care of herself
  • Let your creativity express itself
  • Use the word “no” as a complete sentence
  • Celebrate successes
  • Accept your failures
  • Talk to yourself like a friend
  • Take time to grieve
  • Don’t blame yourself for your mistakes
  • Allow yourself to feel pleasure
  • Forgive yourself

How to use affirmations to build self-Love?

There are many ways to use affirmations, depending on your personality and preferences.

For example, you can save affirmations on your phone so that you can listen to them anywhere and anytime.  Repeat them aloud, if the environment allows it when you listen to them.

Another way you can use affirmations is to write them several times or to repeat them in front of a mirror.

You can also meditate with a shorter affirmation of self-worth like a mantra.

It is important to feel your affirmation when you say or write it. 

Remember a memory that gave you confidence, or thinks about how you will feel in the future when you become successful.

Embrace this feeling when you think about affirmation. Elevating our emotions is a way to quickly gain greater self-confidence!

Affirmations for self-love

I invite you to choose an affirmation that resonates with you the most and to repeat it every day for 21 days to help increase self-love. 

Reciting an affirmation is not necessarily enough. It is important to believe in it with all your heart and to visualize what you want to be, to obtain, to become, to do to be successful.

For example, you can visualize yourself surrounded by beautiful golden light or imagine your solar plexus expanding and becoming a lovely bright sun. 

You can also imagine yourself in a room speaking in front of an audience, seeing yourself being loved by a man or a woman, etc. 

Here are the 28 positive affirmations to increase self-love :

  • I love myself and am loved as I am.
  • Day after day, I am more and more confident.
  • I love and accept myself.
  • I am perfect as I am.
  • I am my best friend / my best friend.
  • I am important and I have value.
  • I am capable of accomplishing great things.
  • I deserve love and respect.
  • Every day, I assert myself more and more, with kindness and authenticity.
  • I deserve to receive all the gifts of the universe.
  • I am a unique and wonderful being.
  • I have in me all the necessary resources to succeed in my life / succeed in all my projects.
  • I decide to act by my values ​​and my needs.
  • I am at peace with myself.
  • I have the right to be happy.
  • I have infinite potential.
  • I have the right to be different while being loved and accepted.
  • I have beautiful inner gems.
  • Every day, I give myself the right to shine more and more.
  • I can… (it’s up to you to finish the sentence)
  • I have the right to be me
  • I accept myself as I am
  • I love myself and I am loved
  • I am being of LOVE
  • I love everything in me ( the dark parts as well as the light parts)
  • Life loves me and supports me
  • I choose to be me
  • I radiate love

What self-love affirmation resonates with you the most?

Please share in the comments the statement you want to remember for the next 21 days. Which one resonates with you the most? 

See you next week for a new article. In the meantime, I wish you all the best for this weekend.

See you soon.


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