Jacqueline Kane

10 Simple Tips to Help You Cope with Stress During The Holidays

The holidays are a time of fun, celebration, and joy. While many of us are filled with excitement and high expectations for spending time with family and friends at parties, many also experience anxiety during this time of year. We understand how important it is to stay sane during the holiday season, so we’re sharing some simple tips that may help you get through this difficult time. 

Tips to avoid holiday stress

While most of us don’t acknowledge the fact that much of our holiday stress comes from trying to meet or exceed impossible expectations, it’s important to remember that there is no perfect way to celebrate the holidays. Adjust your expectations, relieve the pressure, and try these easy suggestions for managing holiday stress:

Plan Ahead

Don’t wait until the last minute to celebrate the holidays. Plan your schedule so that you make time for important things like buying gifts, baking cookies, seeing family, reconnecting with friends, and spending time together. These are all important steps in creating a festive holiday season. By doing this ahead of time, you’ll feel more prepared and less anxious.

Make a budget

Many studies show that financial concerns are one of the reasons people experience holiday stress. When you think about all the purchases you’ll need to make for your upcoming holidays and celebrations, it’s OK to look at your budget and make necessary adjustments so you can stay within it. Debts created during the holidays lead to additional stress in the new year—be practical and creative with gifts this year!

Involve in self-care

Set aside time for self-care activities like exercising, walking, getting a massage, talking to a friend, and listening to your favorite tracks or reading a book. Do anything that makes you happy. Remember, you deserve it! And this will help you get through holiday anxiety and depression.

Maintain a balanced diet

When you eat empty-calorie treats, you’ll probably feel tired and a little sluggish. But eating real foods will help keep you healthy and energetic while keeping your body happy!

To avoid overeating on overindulgence, try to eat a small amount of protein before going to a party or dinner. It will help you feel fuller longer and keep your blood sugar stable. Also, remember that food and mood are related. Continue to eat as much healthy, lean protein and plant-based food as possible if you are challenged with managing a chronic illness such as diabetes.

Stay active

Staying active is a great way to relieve stress, boost your mood and energy levels, and improve your concentration. Exercise enables you to concentrate on what you are doing rather than what’s causing you stress. Step outside for a walk to clear your mind and appreciate the beauty around you. Getting some fresh air will help you worry less and focus more on yourself.


Meditating can help you deal with holiday stress. It allows you to deal with some of life’s uncertainties by slowing down and focusing on the present moment instead of worrying about what might happen tomorrow. When you are present, your mind slows down and it’s easier to determine what you can control today and what can wait until tomorrow. For guided meditation, download this FREE soul activation meditation guide.

Embrace your faith

To make the most of your holiday, consider joining in with others who celebrate and share your faith. Go to special events, where reminders of the true meaning of the season are plentiful. There are so many people with additional needs during the holiday season: seniors and those with low incomes who would appreciate a meal or food bank donation, volunteers who can help with special needs programs, volunteer at senior centers, and other community organizations who seek assistance from energetic and willing hands.

Practice Gratefulness

At the end of each day, take a few minutes to think about three things for which you are grateful. The attitude of gratitude will help you feel calm and serene.

Engage Socially

The holidays can be challenging for some people. If you are feeling sad or lonely because of a loss, speak to your doctor, a friend, or a counselor. Many groups provide support for people dealing with divorce, grief, and depression. Don’t worry, we are rooting for you, join our free community healing circle to release your physical, emotional, and spiritual pain. Don’t isolate yourself from social activity; even if you don’t feel joyful, do something positive like attending a card game with friends or taking a walk outdoors in the fresh air.

Ask for help

Holidays can be overwhelming but remember that you don’t have to do everything by yourself. Never hesitate in asking for help be it asking for an extra hand while cooking or serving meals or grocery shopping or anything on your list. Enlisting help will not only help you in offloading your burden but will also make your guests feel more involved.


Jacqueline Kane, a renowned therapist, and life coach offers the above tips to help you manage your holiday stress. If you’re having trouble managing your holiday stress or anxiety, please contact us to set up a consultation. We’ll discuss a plan of action designed specifically for you.

 We wish you a happy and stress-free holiday!

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