Jacqueline Kane

10 Habits to Add to Your Routine If You Truly Want to Be Happy

Are you tired of feeling stuck in a routine with tasks and deadlines? Do you ever wonder if you can really be happy? You’re not alone. We all have those moments.

Well, guess what? Happiness isn’t a faraway dream; it’s like a bunch of good habits you can practice every day.

So, here’s a question for you: Have you ever wondered what these habits are and how they could make a real difference in your life? 

Are you curious to know how small changes can lead to a happier you? 

Well, you’re in the right place! Stick around, and we’ll explore ten easy habits that can genuinely boost your happiness.

Habits for Happiness

1. Gratitude Journaling

Every day, before you go to bed, grab your trusty journal and jot down three things you’re thankful for. It can be as simple as the aroma of your morning coffee, a friendly smile from a coworker, or the cozy warmth of your favorite blanket. This small act works wonders in rewiring your brain to focus on the sunny side of life. The more you practice this, the better you’ll realize how small your problems are. Well, what made you smile today?

2. Create A Morning Ritual

Morning Rituals are your golden ticket to start the day like a rockstar! Instead of hitting the snooze button until your alarm declares world war on your ears, jump out of bed like a superhero ready to conquer the world. Stretch like a contented cat or take a few moments to appreciate the sunrise. These simple morning rituals will set the tone for your day like the opening scene of an epic adventure. What will it be for you today? A five-minute meditation, brisk jog, or simply savoring the world’s best pancake recipe?

3. Connect With Nature

Have you ever felt the earth beneath your feet, grounding you and reminding you that you’re a part of something vast and beautiful? Connecting with nature is like pressing the reset button for your soul! It’s about escaping the hustle and bustle of the concrete jungle to appreciate the symphony of birds, the rustling of leaves, and the gentle caress of a breeze. Whether it’s a relaxing walk in the park, a hike in the mountains, or simply gazing at the stars, what excites you more today?

4. Act of Kindness

Acts of kindness are like little heart-shaped confetti you sprinkle on the world! The thrill of making someone’s day – whether it’s holding the door open for a stranger, leaving a sticky note with a smiley face in a public place, or surprising your bestie with a “just because” gift. It’s like giving the universe a warm hug for being kind to you, doing your tiny bit, and watching the waves of joy spread. So, will it be a random act that surprises a stranger or a thoughtful deed for someone you cherish? 

5. Pursue A Passion

Pursuing a passion is like chasing fireflies on a warm summer night – it fills your world with a dazzling glow! It’s about rediscovering that thing that sets your heart on fire, whether it’s painting, dancing, or building sandcastles on the beach. Have you ever lost track of time because you were so absorbed in what you love? It’s a magical feeling! So, dear lovely soul, find out what’s that thing that makes your eyes light up and your soul does a happy dance. Can you think of that long-lost passion of yours waiting to be revived?

6. Practice Mindfulness

Mindful moments are like pressing the “pause” button on life’s crazy remote control and taking a deep, satisfying breath. They’re those precious pauses where you step out of the rushing river of existence and simply enjoy the moment, like enjoying the first bite of your favorite dessert, feeling the sunshine kiss your skin, truly relishing the taste of a warm cup of cocoa, or feeling the silky touch of a petal between your fingertips. What will it be for you today? A moment of awe in nature or a few minutes of peaceful meditation?

7. Declutter Your Space

Decluttering your space is like giving your home a big, cozy hug and setting your inner neat freak-free! It’s about clearing the unnecessary, creating room for what truly matters, and giving your living space a spa day. Trust me, as you declutter your space, you’ll feel a satisfying swoosh of fresh air and calm like never before. Remember how you felt when you found that missing sock under a mountain of laundry? Yeah? I see you smiling. It’s a wonderful feeling. So, where are you starting from? Your overflowing desk or that junk drawer? 

8. Nurture Your Body

Nurturing your body is like giving your favorite plant all the TLC it deserves, but in this case, you’re the cherished flower! It’s about making choices that show your body some love, like feeding it delicious, nutritious goodies, and keeping it active and strong. Your body is your trusty friend on this wild journey called life; how do you plan to pamper it today? Is it through a mouthwatering salad, a heart-pounding dance session, or maybe a relaxing yoga class?

9. Learn Something New

Learning something new is like embarking on a thrilling adventure without ever leaving your comfort zone! It’s about expanding the horizons of your mind, whether it’s diving into the pages of a captivating book, setting hands on a musical instrument, or learning about the secrets of the universe through astronomy. Remember that rush of excitement of your first bicycle ride or cracking a tough math problem? Well, that thrill doesn’t have to end! So, dear explorer, what’s been tickling your curiosity lately? Is it a language, a skill, or a craft waiting to be discovered?

10. Spend Quality Time with Loved Ones

Spending time with loved ones is like wrapping ourselves in a warm, cozy blanket of laughter, stories, and shared moments – it’s a heartwarming symphony that makes life’s playlist unforgettable! It’s about setting aside the screens, distractions, and to-do lists to truly be present with the people who light up our lives. Remember those belly laughs during game nights or those deep conversations that stretched late into the night? They’re the real treasures of our life. So, who’s that special someone you’ve been missing? When are you deciding to meet them?

Get in touch with Jacquline Kane, an amazing therapist for a healing session on body pain— if it’s the problem coming in between your happiness, and learn about the mind-body-pain connection and free yourself from the pain you’ve been carrying for so long.


Happiness isn’t a distant dream; it’s a collection of daily habits. 

Start with gratitude journaling and a morning ritual to set a positive tone. Connect with nature, spread kindness, and pursue your passions. 

Practice mindfulness, declutter your space, and nurture your body with love. Don’t forget, it’s you who defines your own happiness. 

So, no more emotional stress, live your life to the fullest, for it’s the only story you get to write.

And… if it’s physical pain that’s blocking your path to happiness, consider seeking help from a therapist like Jacquline Kane, who will guide you in understanding the mind-body-pain connection. Contact today!


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