Jacqueline Kane

Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year.

Get IMMEDIATE relief from pain
more than just massages, our sessions are a gateway to well-being

Holistic healing means taking care of the soul, as well as the body.

We advocate inner healing to address the root cause of pain, and we equally encourage massage therapy for overall health.

While most massage sessions are focused on soothing techniques, our Bodywork packages are designed to restore balance, release energy blocks, and bring back joy.

Think about that for a moment

*The Buy three offer needs to be used within the first three months of the purchase*

If you want a customized package, contact Jacqueline at jacqueline@jacquelinemkane.com

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Psoas Massage

Psoas the muscle of soul is the only muscle which connects the torso to the lower body (sacral chakra is located there) It is responsible for daily activities like, walking, sitting, running and dancing etc. It stabilizes the spine and is necessary for maintaining erect posture. This muscle impacts the core of the body.

Tight Psoas muscle can cause low back pain, hip pain, knee pain, plantar fasciitis, shoulder pain, TMJ problems and constipation. It also holds on to traumatic experiences on a cellular level. Many clients with low back pain find relief immediately after this massage.

A well-maintained psoas muscle brings balance, harmony and joy to life.

Psoas Massage

Single session – $95

*Buy three at 10% discount- 256.50 ( saving of $28.50) 

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This type of Lymphatic drainage is a manual technique used to stimulate the flow of lymph (a clear fluid that circulates through the body via the lymphatic system) to relieve swelling and improve health. The buildup of this Lymph over time can cause pain and discomfort in the low back and other areas of the body.

Lypossage soothes the body’s stress response, which can help with mental and physical stress. The Lymphatic system also plays a role in the body’s immune system and it’s been suggested that this form of therapeutic massage can help treat a variety of health conditions like: lymphedema, fibromyalgia, swelling or edema, fatigue, insomnia, stress, digestive problems, arthritis and more.


Single session – $125

*Buy three at 10% discount- 337.50 ( saving of $37.50)

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Bowen Therapy

It involves the use of precise and gentle rolling hand movements on superficial and deep fascia. The fascia, or soft tissue, is the part of the connective tissue that envelops, separates and influences every organ and tissue in the body. It reduces pain by stimulating the nervous system and increases motor function.

Bowen Therapy works on every system of the body at the same time which is why the results are very long lasting. It works the nervous, lymphatic, circulatory, immune, and energetic systems in each session.

Bowen Therapy

Single session – $125

*Buy three at 10% discount – 337.50 ( saving of $37.50)

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Jacqueline Kane Logo

Relaxing Massage

Now that you are experiencing less pain you get to enjoy a healing nurturing touch where you get to enjoy the massage without thinking “wow that hurts” or that pressure is too deep.

During this massage you can allow your body to relax deeper than ever before and releasing any tightness in your body so that you can feel more flexibility in your body. You can actually drift off because it feels so good to have someone rub lotion and aromatic oils on your body and allow the scents to take you away to visualize your dream life.

Relaxing Massage

Single session – $95

*Buy three at 10% discount- 256.50 ( saving of $28.50)

*The Buy three offer needs to be used within the first three months of the purchase*

If you want a customized package, contact Jacqueline at jacqueline@jacquelinemkane.com

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